french revolution

  • American Revolution

    When the Americans fought against the British for freedom. The British taxed the Americans for things that they needed even though they couldn't see what it was doing to the American people. The French joined with the Americans to fight against the British.
  • Louis XVI calls the Estates General to meet

    Louis XVI calls the Estates general to meet. It has been 175 years since the Estates general had been called to meet. He called them to talk about how the government could make money because they were completely broke.
  • The National Assembly is Established/Tennis court oath

    The third estate is locked out of the meeting and have to find a new place to meet to hold all of the representatives from the third estate. They go to a ¨Tennis Court¨ and it is called the tennis court oath. The Third estate breaks off from the Estates General and forms the National Assembly.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    A bunch of radicals stormed the Bastille trying to free political prisoners. There were only 7 political prisoners in the Bastille. The main purpose behind the storming of the Bastille was most likely to take weapons. After they stormed it they cut a persons head off and put it on a big stick and paraded around the streets of Paris.
  • The great fear

    July 17 1789- August 3 1789. Right after the storming of the Bastille, everyone was afraid of everyone else. The nobles were afraid of the peasants and peasants were afraid of the nobles. There wasn't much violence but everyone was on edge because of an attack.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Based on the natural inalienable rights given at birth. Talks about individualism and the social contract. It also talks about freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assemby. And lastly it talks about the seperation of powers
  • Women´s march/ Bread march

    The women in fish markets in Paris walked all the way to Versailles to protest. As they walked it became an angry mob and more of a riot. They made Louis XVI listen to their demands. Because of this march, Louis XVI returned to Paris.
  • The September Massacre

    People thought that since the monarchy was gone, they could do whatever they wanted to do. They were afraid that political prisoners would join together and revolt. Mobs of peasants went around searching for people to kill. 1,200 prisoners were killed within a week.
  • Louis XVI dies

    Louis XVI get´s convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers. After he is convicted he is sentenced to death. A extremely large group watched him get killed via guillotine. His death is the end of Monarchy until after Napoleon.
  • The Reign of Terror

    September 5, 1793- July 27, 1794. During the French Revolution, Maximilian Robespierre thought they had to kill the people who would try and stop the revolution. They killed thousands of people through the guillotine.
  • Maire Antoinette dies

    Marie Antoinette is out on trial for committing treason and molesting her son. She is convicted of treason and sentenced to death via guillotine.
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    The Jacobins thought that Maximilian Robespierre went to far. They plotted to kill Robespierre. Maximilian Robespierre was guillotined.
  • Napoleons Coronation

    Napoleon gets coranated on Sunday December 2nd, 1804. Napoleons goal was to become just like Julias Cesar and so he had a large coronation to prove that he could become just as great and if not better. He was coranated in the Notre Dame cathedral in a very luxurious ceremony.
  • Hundred days

    The hundred days were the 100 days between when Napoleon left his exile and his return to Paris. During this 100 days the war of the seventh coalition occurred. When he got back to Paris, the congress of Vienna declared him an outlaw
  • Battle Of Waterloo

    Napoleons last stand against the British and Napoleons last defeat. This battle ended Napoleons rule as the First French Emperor. The battle occurred in Brussels in 1815