French revolution

By RomanD
  • Estates General Called

    Estates General Called
    was a general assembly representing the 3 french estates: The clergy (first estate) the nobility (second estate) and the common folk (third estate). It was called because of the bleak financial state of france.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    The national assembly was a body that would represent the needs of the french people. It was a revolutionary assembly formed by the representatives of the third estate. The national assembly formed because of a disagreement between the king and the people of the third estate
  • Period: to

    The french revoloution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The tennis court oath was an oath that would famously take place in a tennis court. The representatives of the third estate would make an oath not to disperse untilt france had an established constitution.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    The members of the third estate approached the bastille in search of ammunition and gunpowder. The storming of the bastille is a very important event in the french revaluation and it marked a turning point as it was when they started to take the third estate seriously.
  • Women’s March on Versailles

    Women’s March on Versailles
    During the first stage of the revolution a riot took place involving mostly women. This was another one of the most significant events in the french revolution as it eventually forced the royals to return to paris.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Constitutional Monarchy
    The legislative assembly of france met in paris and started a constitutional rule that revolutionaries had dedicated themselves to establish. the king and the royal adminiters were to make up the executive branch within a year the monarchy had been overthrown.
    A constitutional monarchy means that even though the sovereign is head of state, the ability to pass legislation is the duty of elected parliament.
  • France becomes a republic

    France becomes a republic
    After the fall of the monarchy, France becomes a republic. which would then become the national convention. the national convention was ,made up of the girondins, who support the bourgeoisie, the Montagnard's and the marias. It was decided to try king Louis XVI for treason, the conviction was a success and he was then sentences to the guillotine where he would meet his end be beheading.
  • King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Beheaded

    King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Beheaded
    King Loui was taken to the guillotine to be beheaded on January 21st of 1793. Marie Antoinette would eventually met the same fate on october 19th of the year
    The death of the king would further empower the revaluation as the revolutionaries feared that the king would be a source of conflict among them. The king being dead would eradicate that conflict (supposedly)
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Reign of Terror Begins
    After the death of the king, tragedy and massacre struck. The bloody period of time known as the reign of terror struck, and france had fallen to chaos. Anyone who made any sort of act against the revolutionaries ideas would be tried and executed for treason.
    even though the reign of terror brought the ordinary people more political rights and freedoms, a large quantity of blood was spilled.
  • Reign of Terror ends

    Reign of Terror ends
    The reign of terror would come to an end with the execution of Robespierre, who was the leading cause of the massacre that occurred during the reign of terroir, not only was he executed, but many of his fellow jacobins were as well.
    Most people are led to believe that the revolution ended here, but it actually went on for another 5 years.
    by the end of the reign of terror 16,594 death sentences had been dispersed, an additional 10,000 to 12,000 people were executed without trial.