French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Estate General

    Estate General
    The three estates (Clergy, Nobles, ​and Common-people) meet up to discuss a new tax plan for France. This meeting was called upon because of the huge amount​ of spending by the king of France and the debt in France. The meeting takes place in Versailles.
  • National Assembly

    National Assembly
    The third estate disagrees with the other two estates, as the third estate is paying lots of taxes, and decides to separate. The third estate form the National Assembly, and many members from the ither two estates joins the National Assembly.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    As the National Assembly force, and revolution tension increases, revolutionists attacked the Bastille prison. The revolutionists were looking for weapons and gunpowder, and they took over the prison. The prison served as a symbol of the monarchy, and the king knew this was the point where he had no power over the people.
  • Abolition of Feudalism

    Abolition of Feudalism
    On this date, the National Assembly banned feudalism in France. This was a huge step on France becoming a republic, because now peasants did not have to pay homage to their lords, and now they had many choices on what to work on and did not have to pay to receive​ protection
  • "Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen" is issued

    "Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen" is issued
    On this date, the National Assembly issued the Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen, which stated the rights and freedoms the citizens of France have. This was an important step towards the revolution, as this gave all of the people of France their rights and freedoms, and everyone had to be respected equally.
  • King Louis attempts to flee

    King Louis attempts to flee
    After the Revolution forces increase power and recognition, King Louis tried to flee France and leave the country for good. He knew that his fate would end in execution by the people, so he decided to escape with his family. He left to the Austrian Netherlands, but when he was close to the border, he was stopped and sent back to Paris under close guard. He would later be executed by the Guillotine.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Monarchy is Abolished
    On this date, the National Assembly voted on removing the monarchy set in France and making France into a representative​ democracy. This caused the power of France to be distributed, and everyone had a vote and say in politics.
  • King Louis is executed

    King Louis is executed
    The National Assembly votes to execute King Louis XVI. The execution takes place this date, in the Place de la Révolution. He was executed by​ a device named the guillotine, which chopped his head off. This was an important date in the French revolution, as this served as a symbol that the Old Regime was officially over.
  • France Army Draft

    France Army Draft
    Due to the wars with Prussia and Austria, the French Army had a lack of soilders. This caused the French Goverment to order a national draft. In total, they forced 300,000 men between the ages of 24 and 40 to serve the French Army. This caused France to have a powerfull army.
  • Robespierre is executed

    Robespierre is executed
    After thousands of people were executed by Maximilien Robespierre in the Reign of Terror, the National Assembly finally had enough. They all decided to execute this dictator, which would end the Reign of Terror. This would be the ending of the killings and crazy events of the Revolution ​and would lead the way to the Napoleonic Era.