French Revolution

  • Louis XVI summons the Estates

    Louis XVI summons the Estates
    The meeting included the three Estates. They were the clergy, nobility and commoners. They came together to make new taxes and to make changes to the country.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A state prison was attacked by a mob of angry people. When the governor of the prison refused to comply the mob attacked the others and the the prison governor was killed. They carried his head around the prison.
  • National Assembly ends nobility

    National Assembly ends nobility
    The National Assembly passed a law saying titles like prince, noble, baron and others couldn't be used. They could only use their family last name. They couldn't wear their official uniform.
  • Declaration of Pillnitz

    Declaration of Pillnitz
    Emperor Leopold II and King Frederick William II were from Austria and Prussia. They wanted European powers to come together and bring back the monarchy. It was seen as the declaration of war.
  • Parisians storm Tuileries palace

    Parisians storm Tuileries palace
    It was a defining event of the French Revolution. National Guard of the Paris Commune stormed the Tuileries Palace. Which caused the fall of the French monarchy.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    Committee of Public Safety
    It was created by the National Convention.
  • French victory over Austrians at Fleurus

    French victory over Austrians at Fleurus
    The battle of Fleurus was the decisive battle for a two year long campaign.
  • New constitution is adopted

    New constitution is adopted
    It wasn't approved until Sept 6, 1795. It was called the Constitution of Year III. It got its central government to keep its power.
  • Coup d'état removes royalists from Directory

    Coup d'état removes royalists from Directory
    It removed the royalists from the Directory and councils. Then Bonaparte got rid of the Directory. He became the leader of France.