The french revolution

French Revolution

  • Estates-General were held

    Estates-General were held
    Estates General (France) French government have sunk in to debt. Louis XVI's solution was to impose taxes on the nobility. Then the Second Estate asked him to call a meeting of the Estates-General to approve this new tax. The Estates-General is an assembly of representatives from all three estates.
    Importance: This meeting was a symbol of ruler's mistake (debt), and complaints got stronger from this point.
  • Establishing the National Assembly / Tennis Court Oath

    Establishing the National Assembly / Tennis Court Oath
    Tennis Court OathThere was a voting for establishing the National Assambly. The National Assembly proclaimed the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of representative government, Three days later, the Third Estate delegates were locked out of their meeting room. They broke the door of an indoor tennis court and stayed pledging that they would not leave until they draw up a new constitution.
    Importance: This made it easier to change government making third estates to be able to speak in government.
  • First revolution

    First revolution
    Dawn of the Revolution
    In Paris, some people suggested that Louis would use military force to dismiss National Assembly, and other charged that the foreign troops were coming to massacre French citizens. On july 14, a mob stormed the Bastille, a Paris prison. They overwhelmed the guard and seized control of the prison.
    Importance: This is the first revolt in the French revolution.
  • Women revolts / king and queen lefts the Versailles

    Women revolts / king and queen lefts the Versailles
    A Great Fear Sweeps France
    In October 1789, many of Parisian women rioted over the rising price of bread. The women marched on Versailles with weapons, and first, demanded the National Assembly to provide breads. Then they turned their anger on the king and queen. They demanded that Louis and Marie to return to Paris. After some time, Louis agreed.
    Importance: Women drove king and queen away.
  • New constitution from National Assembly / Legislative Assembly

    New constitution from National Assembly / Legislative Assembly
    The Legislative Assembly
    The constituion created a limited constitutional monarchy. It stripped much of the authority from king. Louis reluctantly approved this constitution. Legislative Assembly,which had the power to create laws and to recognize or reject declarations of war, were made.
    Importance: Even though king still had the executive power, this was big improvement from absolute monarchy.
  • King and queen were imprisoned

    King and queen were imprisoned
    Parisians were enraged by that Prussian commander told that they would destroy Paris if revolutionaries harmed anyone in the royal familiy. About 20,000 people invaded the palace where the royal family was staying. They killed the royal guards and imprisoned Louis, Marrie Antoinette and their children.
    Importance: The old monarchy who had absolute power was captured and imprisoned←a success of revolution
  • National Convention took office

    National Convention took office
    National ConventionThe new government body took office on September 21. It abolished the monarchy and supported republic. Adult males were allowed to vote and hold office. However, even though women played important role in the revolution, they were not allowed to vote.
    Importance: It was starting to form new non-monarchy (republic) government.
  • End of Louis XVI

    End of Louis XVI
    Execution of Louis XVIThe National Convention had changed Louis XVI's role of king to that of a common citizen and prisoner. It tried Louis for treason. The convention decided that Louis was guilty, and sentenced him to death.
    Importance: Same with when revolutionists captured Louis XVI, this event is a symbol of revolution's success or victory.
  • Maximilien Robespierre gained power

    Maximilien Robespierre gained power
    Maximilien de RobespierreHe became a leader of the Committee of Public Safety. He governed France virtually as a dictator until 1794. He executed many people who challenged his leadership or led the revolution; his period is known as the Reign of Terror.
    Importance:New dictatorship appeared again.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Maximilien de Robespierre
    Some members of the National Convention turned on Robespierre because of the fearing for their own safty. They demanded capturing and excecution of him. On July 28, 1794, Robespierre was executed with guillotine, which is same way with Louis XVI and Marrie Antoinette.
    Importance: again, a dictatorship was broken and revolutionists / republicans won to the dictator.
  • INF Treaty (End of the Cold War)

    INF Treaty (End of the Cold War)
    End of the Cold WarRonald Wilson Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev signed INF Treaty. This treaty promised discarding of missiles and some other weapons.