Meeting Of The Estates Gerneral
they will had the meeting talk about the taxation. that is the first 175 years all the events general has the taxation meeting.
Showing the king become his agreed the meeting and allowed the voting rule to change. if mean the king become weak. -
Creation Of The Narional Assembly
At the started of the first meeting king instrcted "creation of the national assembly" by all the leaders voted. So, all the think they didn't have to flowed tho rule from anymore. We could created the right to make the law for France. -
Storming Of The Bastille
The Revolution occurred problem because king made a serious mistake by allowed the " Nationsl Assembly". Then, the people of paris stormed Bastille and took over the castle and captured the king put his choldren in jail. -
Delaration of the rights of man and of the citizen
It's equality, Liberty, and fraternity. a document that was similar to the Declaration of Independance. All citizens didn't have enough food to eat. People want to be freee and equal. -
Creation of the National Convention
The National Convention was elected to provide a new consitution for the country after the overthrow of the monarchy. After they provide a new an situation for the country they do it in a republic. -
Executioution of the King
The monarchy and to defend the Revolution from its enemies. After king's execution the National Convention began tighten it's hold on France and they created commitee of public safety to manage the country's against the foreign forces on bonden. -
Reign of Terror
Creating a wave pf fear throughtout the country. it's used an imagined of the REvolution. and created fear. -
Coup d'etat
coup d'etat is a change in goverment power by force. Naplean went from country destroying the government and declaring himself the ruler.