French Revolution

By Tstoks
  • Estates General convenes at Versailles

    Estates General convenes at Versailles
    They were called because Louis wanted to increase taxes, the estates general did not pass the taxes
  • Declaration of the national assembly

    Declaration of the national assembly
    3rd estate seperated from the estates general and declared itself the national assembly
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The National assembly said that they will keep meeting until we have a new constitution. (Louis locked the doors)
  • The Estates-General meets as a single body

    The Estates-General meets as a single body
    It is the beginning of the end, the meeting of the entire body of the estates general.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    People wanted ammunition because the King called an army to surround Paris
  • Period: to

    The Great Fear

    The peasants believed that the nobles were plotting against them and fabricating a famine to kill them. As a result, the peasants rose up and killed many nobles, wrecking havoc across the land.
  • The August 4th Decrees

    The August 4th Decrees
    The national assembly abolished serfdom
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    All men are created equal and everyone is equal before the law. Established a constitution.
  • Declaration of Pillnitz

    Declaration of Pillnitz
    Austria and Prussia announced their of throne of France, saying that they were willing to go to support Louis if a rebellion threatened him. The french government, controlled by the Revolution, saw it as a threat.
  • Women's March on Versallie

    Women's March on Versallie
    A march by the women in protest of bread prices. That is when Marie Antionette supposedly said let them eat cake. The angry mob destroyed the palace at Versallie
  • National Assembly begins to confiscate Church Land

    National Assembly begins to confiscate Church Land
    It was the beginning of an era of dechristianization in France where the Church didn't have nearly as much sway. The Revolution decreased the power of the Church in an overall effort to establish a nation of virtue and reason.
  • the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    Subordinated the Roman Catholic Church, demanded that any members of the clergy swear and oath and pledge their allegiance to the Revolution first, not the Pope.
  • Flight to Varennes

    Flight to Varennes
    King Louis XVI attempted to flee with Marie Antoinette to Austria supposedly to come back with foreign help to reestablish control. This caused an uproar and made Louis look even worse to the people, eventually leading to his trial and execution.
  • Louis Accepts the new constitution

    Louis Accepts the new constitution
    Louis was put into a corner, and accepted the constitution in order to appear to be an accordance with the revolution. This did not work.
  • France Declares war on Austria

    France Declares war on Austria
    This was a preemptive strike against Austria, because France believed they would attack them anyways. This turned out to be a bad idea because Austria never wanted to enter a war with France.
  • The Brunswick Manifesto

    The Brunswick Manifesto
    Threatened to destroy Paris if french Royal Family is harmed
  • The storming of Tuileries Palace

    The storming of Tuileries Palace
    This was the storming of the Palace of the King and Queen in Paris. All of the royal guards were killed and their heads put on pikes.
  • Period: to

    The September Massacres

    Parisans attacked prisoners in the city jails out of fear that if Paris was captured the prisoners would be set free and join the counter-revolution
  • Louis XVI is put on trial

    Louis XVI is put on trial
    Louis went on trial in front of the National Convention on treason charges. He was sentenced to death
  • The Committee of Public Safety is established

    The Committee of Public Safety is established
    The Committee of Public Safety acted as the new governing body of the Revolution that was meant to protect the people from internal rebellions and foreign attacks. However, it often acted dictatorially and called for executions of counter-revolutionaries across the country.
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    King Louis is sentenced to the Guillotine after a trial in front of the National Convention
  • The General Maximum

    The General Maximum
    Price controls are enacted to aid the san-culottes and mobilize the war effort.
  • The Thermidorian Reaction

    The Thermidorian Reaction
    Robespierre is denounced by the National Convention as a traitor and enemy of the revolution