French Revolution

  • The Estates General meet at Versailles

    The Estates General meet at Versailles
    For the first time in over a hundred years, the Estates General, the representatives of the three estates were called to meet. France was in a financial crisis, people were angry, and King Louis XIV was losing his absolute power. When the estates met, the third estate feared being overpowered by the other two estates. The three estates clashed. This led to the Third Estate declaring itself the National Assembly on June 17, 1789.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    Bastille was a fortress and prison in Paris, France. On July 14, a large crowd gathered with weapons. The prison guards held them off for a short time. But as the day went on, more and more people arrived at Bastille. The governor of Bastille, Bernard-René Jordan de Launay, surrendered Bastille. Him and all the workers were arrested, gunpowder was stolen, and the seven prisoners in Bastille were freed. This event is known as the start of the French Revolution.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was drafted by the National Assembly. It contains seventeen articles, that has the ideas that inspired the people of the French Revolution. The ideas for the document came from people from the Enlightenment. The document also attacked the monarchical regime.
  • Royal Family is Forced to Return to Paris

    Royal Family is Forced to Return to Paris
    King Louis XIV and his wife Marie Antoinette fled Paris to Versailles when it became apparent that Louis could no longer handle the duties that came along with being King. People wanted to brng Louis back. A group of over 60,000 people gathered and marched to Versailles. They rallied around the palace forcing the king and queen out.
  • Louis XIV accepted a constitutional monarchy

    Louis XIV accepted a constitutional monarchy
    The National Assembly met, and decided that Louis XIV could remain King, but only if he accepted a constitutional monarchy. The National Assembly had long wanted to write a constitution to limit the King's power. Louis accepted, rather reluctantly though.
  • France Declares War on Austria

    France Declares War on Austria
    The government in France needed to unite its people, and they decided the best way to do that is to declare war on another country; Austria. They were also trying to spread the ideas of revolution to all of Europe.
  • Louis XIV is Taken Prisoner and France is declared a Republic

    Louis XIV is Taken Prisoner and France is declared a Republic
    In August, the Parisian mobs attacked France and took Louis XIV as a prisoner. Only a month later, the National Convention declared France a republic. France had abolished monarchy. The September Massacre also occured. In cities all across France, prisoners were killed. More than 20,000 prisoners were killed in only 20 hours.
  • Louis XIV is executed and War is declared

    Louis XIV is executed and War is declared
    Louis XIV was convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers, and the National Convention sentenced him to death only a day after being convicted. He was killed by guillotine. A month later, France declares war on Britain, Holland, and Spain.
  • Committee of Public Safety is organized and Price Controls are created

    Committee of Public Safety is organized and Price Controls are created
    The Committee of Public Safety was created to protect the nation againest its enemies. Each person was selected by the National Assembly for a period of one month and was allowed to run for reelection. Price Controls were established to help mobilize war efforts.
  • Reign of Terror begins, but French armies are victorious

    Reign of Terror begins, but French armies are victorious
    The French army, had terrible equitment, but had large numbers. The army, under Napoleon was winning every battle they fought in, dominating their enemies.
  • Directory rules

    Directory rules
    A five member committee in France that rules for 5 years. They oversaw the econimic and political aspects of French life.