Estates General Meeting
Representatives come from each estate to vote on matters surrounding their financial crisis. -
National Assembly Formed
Although less than 2% of the population of France at the time were the first two estates, they got 2/3 of the vote. Once the third estate called them out for this, they were locked out of the meeting which caused these members of the third estate to form the National Assembly -
Tennis Court Oath declared
The deputes from the third estate gather together on the tennis court and demand a new constitution. -
Storming of the Bastille
The Bastille was a prison with weapons and gunpowder along with the prisoners. Crowds of third estate members attacked the Bastille and tear it apart brick by brick as a symbolic way of saying that they are planning to tear apart the structure of France. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man Written
The Declaration of the Rights of Man was a document, not a constitution, for ending tyranny. It belonged to the people and called for a representative government, equal rights, and simply power to the people. -
Period: to
Legislative Assembly makes laws in France
During the revolution, the legislative assembly made up of the radicals, the moderates, and the conservatives, created the laws of France. -
Execution of King Louis XVI
Because of the loss of trust in the monarchy, mainly because he tried to flee France, King Louis XVI was executed using the guillotine. -
Period: to
Committee of Public Safety governs France
The 12 people that lead the Reign of Terror and for that reason basically ruled France. -
Period: to
The Reign of Terror
A time period when the "government" imposed equality by striking terror into the heart of enemies. If someone were to, for example, complain about bread or even not be enthusiastic enough about bread, they would be arrested and perhaps executed. -
Period: to
People began to think that the priests were holding them back and therefore focused on taking away the power of the Church. -
Execution of Maximilien Robespierre
When Robespierre starts to act like he is superior to others and angers those around him, he is arrested and later executed with the guillotine. -
Period: to
The Directory controls France
After the revolution, a temporary government is established made up of 5 people who held spots of power and were there keep a sense of stability. -
Napoleon takes over in a coup d’etat
Coup d'eat "blow to the state" is used to describe a sudden seizure of power like Napoleon's. This event is when Napoleon gets power and begins to focus on restoring order in France. -
Napoleon signs Concordat with Catholic Church
The Concordat, agreement, with Pope Pius VII established a new relationship between the Church and the state. This stopped the Church from having control is national affairs but recognized the influence of the Church. -
Napoleon creates the Napoleonic Code
The Napoleonic Code was his system of laws that gave France a uniform set of laws and eliminated many injustices, but it also limited liberty like the freedom of speech and press that was restricted under the code. -
Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France
Napoleon makes himself the emperor and gets support from French voters. He signaled that he was more powerful than the Church and this is what had traditionally crowned the rulers of France. -
Napoleon dies after he is banished to island of St. Helena
After Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, he was banished to a remarkably remote location and died on that island.