French revolution

French Revolution

  • Louis XVI becomes King of France

    Louis XVI becomes King of France
    Louis XVI became king on May 10, 1774. He was given the title because of the death of his grandfather. It was known that he had married Marie-Antoinette a couple years before that. King Louis XVI was only 20 when he inherited the throne and wasn't very much good at it. His grandfather had already left him with financial problems as it is and it turns out he didn't deal with it as good as everyone might have thought.
  • Calling of the Estates-General

    Calling of the Estates-General
    The estates general was called to meet by King Louis. He wanted to talk about what was going on during the time. The whole point of the estates was that there were three social classes and they came together in a room and talk things out and took a vote on the particular issue but the third estates’ vote didn’t really mean anything, it was completely unfair.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
    The National Assembly came together and made the tennis court oath which was that they were going to fight for how poorly the third estate was treated. They wanted to make a change. It was signed by mostly men from the third estate that weren’t in the Estate General.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    A large mad group of people went to a prison and demanded and took plenty of weapons. This all started the beginning of the French Revolution. Almost all the prisoners were let loose during the riot which was caused by the mob.
  • Great Fear

    Great Fear
    This was the period of when the peasants took a stand and fought throughout France. Peasants started to go crazy and not pay what they needed to and attacked the nobles. They attacked them because it was said that they were burning product in order for its price to increase or stacking amounts of it for themselves. King Louis XVI wanted to overthrow the third estate as well.
  • French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailes

    French Women force Louis XVI to leave Versailes
    The French women went to Versailles from Paris to attack Marie-Antoinette. They were about 7,000 women with sharp knifes like pitchforks, pikes and muskets. The women were demanding for food directly from the king and the queen. They even broke into the Palace of Versailles and Marie-Antoinette had to find a room to hid from them because they went mad and demanded the King to leave the Palace until further notice but ended up keeping him until his execution.
  • National Convention is Formed

    National Convention is Formed
    The national convention was formed in order to create a new constitution because of the end of the monarchy that France had. It had around 749 men that were businessmen, tradesmen, and professional men. The national convention was mostly made up of men and nothing else. The Montagnards and Girondins were the two classes you could say controlled the convention. The Montagnards took the poor classes side and the Girondins wanted to reduce the power in France.
  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    King Louis XVI was executed by the guillotine in Paris. He was convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers. His grandfather had left him with financial problems when he died so things were off to a bad start. His sentence was death and that's the part where the guillotine came in. The events leading up to his execution was the bastille day and the women march. The National Convention was the group that convicted King Louis XVI.
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    The reign of terror started off by Robespierre declares Terror "the order of the day". He started doing executions whenever he felt like it, the number of people that were executed was about 16,000. Throughout France there was executions called "Summary executions" that was used because they were accused of a crime. It all started because the people of France wanted to end monarchy and everything that was going on. Many of people that had power were sent to be executed by the execution.
  • The Directory is formed

    The Directory is formed
    The French Revolutionary government was made by the Constitution and it only lasted four years. It was corrupted and the policies that they had was to protect the position of the people that supported the Revolution. They had to support and prevent the return of the group called the Bourbons. It created the system of elite centralized schools and many other achievements.
  • Napoleon takes power

    Napoleon takes power
    The people of France seemed to be unhappy with the government and that's when napoleon seizes power using his army. He earned everyone's respects that why the people loved him. From there on he did what everyone wanted and he helped others out and actually knew what he was doing. He basically got to the top by using the military and named himself emperor afterwards he was done with everything.
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    Napoleon invades Russia
    Napoleon invading Russia was called the Patriotic War of 1812 and went in to defeat the Russian army. He sent 400,000 troops in to invade Russia but when they reached Moscow that's when things got difficult. The Russians ended up attacking them after all and Napoleon made them return home but it made things even more worse because 10,000 troops were the only ones able to fight back. He had won numerous of battles and was very confident of sending his troops but his plan failed completely.
  • Napoleon defeat at Waterloo

    Napoleon defeat at Waterloo
    He was known as one of the greatest military strategists and throughout time he had France in war with mostly all of Europe. He started to get defeated and lose his battles along the way. He went into Belgium and armies of British and Prussian were already there. 25,000 French soldiers were caught in the middle and were eliminated. Napoleon defeated the Prussians under the command of Gebhard Leberecht von Blucher