French revolution

By Fkrokus
  • The Edict of nantes

    The Edict of nantes
    When louis xiv became the ruler of France he was fixing all the things the ruler before him did. While doing this created the edict of nantes which was a declaration of religious tolerance that said the Huguenots could live in peace and that they are allowed to build their houses of worship in some cities.
  • loius XIV Dies Leaving France in debt.

    loius XIV Dies Leaving France in debt.
    When louis XIV died he left behind lots of debt for the next generations of France to pay. Louis left France with such a large debt because he was always fighting in very costly wars and the building of his huge palace Versailles just made it worse.
  • The meeting of the estates general

    The meeting of the estates general
    the meeting of the estates general was held at the palace of Versailles. louis XVI called for it because he was running out of money to spent so he wanted to start taxing the nobility to get more money. some economic problems facing France were the staggering debt from louis spending money, high taxes and living prices and also the shortage of grain from bad weather caused high bread prices which made lots of people starve.
  • The tennis court oath and the formation of the national assembely

    The tennis court oath and the formation of the national assembely
    The national assembly was when the members of the third estate decided to rename themselves the national assembly because they felt like they were not important so they wanted to have some power also they also declared that they would pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people. The tennis court oath was when the members of the third estate were not allowed into their meeting room so they went to an indoor tennis court and stayed there until a new costiution was written.
  • Storming of the bastille

    Storming of the bastille
    The storming of the bastille was when French citizens feared that louis's military or foreign troops were going to come to paris to kill the French citizens so they broke into the bastille a French prison and stole weapons to defend themselves against attack. This was very important because it became a symbolic act of revolution and a French holiday.
  • The declaration of the rights of man

    The declaration of the rights of man
    The declaration of the rights of man basically stated that all men are born free and have equal rights. the main rights that these included were liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression.
  • The royal family attempts to escape

    The royal family attempts to escape
    Louis XVI and his family were afraid that they were in danger living in france so they decided to go to Austria where his wife was from to escape but they were captured and braught back then were watched by guards.
  • Louis is executed

    Louis is executed
    king louis was tried for treason the executed.
  • The reign of terror and Robespierre becomes ruler of the comitte of public safety

    The reign of terror and Robespierre becomes ruler of the comitte of public safety
    Robespierre was the leader of the Jacobins and wanted to get rid of frances past and all religion. The comitte of public safety tried everyone that was thaught to be an enemie of the revolution and if they were guilty they were killed by the guilitene. The reign of terror was when robiespierre had all these people that were thatght to be enimies of the revolution or just less radical then he was killed
  • Robespierre is executed

    Robespierre is executed
    members of the national constitution feared there lives so they had Robespierre executed by guillentene
  • Formation of new government

    Formation of new government
    Napoleon forms a military dictatorship