Eugène delacroix   le 28 juillet. la liberté guidant le peuple

French Revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates-General

    Meeting of the Estates-General
    All of the three French Estates discuss economic problems.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
  • Abolition of Feudalism

    Abolition of Feudalism
  • Declaration of the Rights

    Declaration of the Rights
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Civil Constitution of the Clergy
  • Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee Paris

    Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee Paris
  • Louis XVI accepts the Constitution

    Louis XVI accepts the Constitution
  • Formation of the Legislative Assembly

    Formation of the Legislative Assembly
  • Louis XVI is guillotined

    Louis XVI is guillotined
  • Start of Reign of Terror

    Start of Reign of Terror
  • Robespierre is guillotined and end of the Reign of Terror

    Robespierre is guillotined and end of the Reign of Terror
  • Directory established

    Directory established
  • Napoleon Bonaparte overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon Bonaparte overthrows the Directory
  • Leadership of Napoleon established under the Consulate ending the Revolutionary Period in France

    Leadership of Napoleon established under the Consulate ending the Revolutionary Period in France