Eugène delacroix   le 28 juillet. la liberté guidant le peuple

French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Estates General

    Louis XVI calls the Estates General to impose taxes over the privileged groups.
  • Big Fear

    Big Fear
    This period was called the Big Fear because of the economic crisis and the bad harvests.
  • National Assembly creation

    National Assembly creation
    The voting system to impose the taxes over the privileges became a problem, so the Third State created the National Assembly in the Jeu de Paume court. Its called like that because the court was signed in a tennis path.
  • Period: to

    National Assembly

    In this period, the Ancien Règime finishes with reforms like the abolition of the feudal rights, the constitution, the separation of powers (parliamentary monarchy) and the census suffrage.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The revolutionary groups stormed the prison of the Bastille in Paris.
  • Declaration of Rights of the Man and the Citizen

    Declaration of Rights of the Man and the Citizen
    It proclaimed personal liberty, equality before the law and the right of property.
  • Constitution

    The National Assembly achieved the constitution and became the Legislative Assembly.
  • Period: to

    The Legislative Assembly

  • Firts Coalition

    Firts Coalition
    This was created because of the declaration of war between France and Austria.
  • Storming of the Tuileries Palace

    Storming of the Tuileries Palace
    This occured because Austria defeated France in the war and the Parisians wanted to blame the king, who was removed.
  • Period: to

    Girondin Convention

    A republic was established. The Girondines were formed in its majority by the burgeoisie.
  • Louis XVI execution

    Louis XVI execution
    He was executed because he was recognised as a traitor to the motherland.
  • Sign of the Democratic Constitution (Jacobins)

    Sign of the Democratic Constitution (Jacobins)
    The Constitution recognised popular sovereignty and universal male sufragge, but it wasn´t imposed because of the war.
  • Period: to

    The Terror (Jacobins)

    There were lots of deaths and executions during this period, so it´s known as The Terror or The Fear.
  • Sans culottes coup d´état

    Sans culottes coup d´état
    The Jacobins, also known as the Montagnards, led by Robespierre, seized power. A great part of the Jacobins were people from the working class.
  • Period: to

    Jacobin Convention

    They created a constitution, a law of maximum prices for the market and they changed the calendar.
  • Robespierre´s execution

    Robespierre´s execution
  • Constitution (Directory)

    Constitution (Directory)
    The constitution separated powers in the executive power (a five-member directory) and the legislative power (Council of Five Hundred and Council of Ancients). It proclaimed national sovereignty and a census suffrage.
  • Period: to

    The Directory and the end of the Revolution.

    To avoid a dictatorchip, they established a moderate government.
  • Defeat of the First Coalition.

    Defeat of the First Coalition.
    Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the First European Coalition.
  • Begin of the Second Coalition war

    Begin of the Second Coalition war
  • Coup d´ètat of Napoleon

    Coup d´ètat of Napoleon
  • Period: to


    Napoleon created a consulate, where he was one of the consults. The other two consults were Ducos and Sieyès