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Jacques bertaux   prise du palais des tuileries   1793

French Revolution

  • Estates General 1789

    Estates General 1789
    The estates general was an assembly representing the French Estates of the society. The Clergy were the First Estate. The nobility was the Second Estate. The Third was the other people. They were ruled by King Louis XVI tot ry to fix his government's financial problems.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    The Estates had 3 Estates. First estate was only Clergy and held 140,000 people. The Second Estate were the Nobility that had 360,000,The Third Estate was everyone else from rich to poor and held 26.5 million people. Third Estate were the only ones getting taxed so they protested to the king.
    A person ate 2lbs of Bread a day.King Louis XVI spent too much money on army and such not so he decided to raise the taxes to the people. People didn't have eough money. Also believed he stole bread.
  • Aristocratic Revolution

    Aristocratic Revolution
    First revolution of the battles. They called for the Estates General to come to Versailles. That was the first time it had happened in 175 years. Starts the begging of the revolutions.
  • National Assembly/Tennis Court Oath

    National Assembly/Tennis Court Oath
    1st and 2nd Estates had 300 representatives. The 3rd had 600. Each group also had 1 member to vote. The Estates were not happy and argued and marched to Versailles where the King locked them out. The Estates protested on a tennis court until they got what they wanted.
  • Bastille Day/Great Fear

    Bastille Day/Great Fear
    900 people in Paris rioted at the Bastille. The Bastille was a old fortress used as a prison and armory. The civilians cut the Wardens head off and freed the prisoners.Rural peasants grew there own food and didn't care about political power. They wanted feudal obligations and fees to be removed. They then raided lords’ homes. Many killed families and destroyed documents. Assembly quickly wrote a law to stop feudal obligations and fees.
  • August Decrees- removing classes and the Declaration of the Rights of Man- Aug. 4 and 26 

    August Decrees- removing classes and the Declaration of the Rights of Man- Aug. 4 and 26 
    On Aug. 4,1789 the National Assembly created a legal privilege oto the first 2 Estates They then made the Declaration of the Rights of Man. It was inspired by English Bill of Rights, Deceleration, and our Constitution. I also affirmed free speech and press and reflected on Enlightenment ideas.It argued that all men are free and equal. Also the right thought no group should be taxed
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    Women demanding bread for their families and the Parisians joined them. They marched to Versailles together. They demanded to see the King. The King agreed and said that he would lower taxes and give the people freedom. They wanted bread though and said the King was hoarding it. They bust in kill the Guards and find the King.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    The French constitution was created by the National Assembly It retained the monarchy, but the power was gained by the Legislative Assembly, which was elected by a system of indirect voting. It was only for active citizens who paid a minimum in taxes.70% of men had the right to vote for electors and to choose certain local officials directly. The constitution lasted less than a year.
  • War with Austria

    War with Austria
    in Paris a mob attacks the royal palace and Legislative Assembly. They took the king. Then they called for a National Convention. they wanted bread and a new Constitution. They agreed and volunteers in war were part of the passive citizens and wanted a direct vote. The new mob called themselves the SansCulottes. That meant without Breechers.
  • Rise of Sans-Culottes

    Rise of Sans-Culottes
    The Sans-Culottes were the common people of the lower classes in 1792.Many of them became radical and militant partisans of the French Revolution in response to their poor quality of life
  •  September Massacre

     September Massacre
    The September Massacres[ were a mass number of killings in Paris and other cities in late summer 1792. There was a fear that foreign and royalist armies would attack Paris and that the inmates of the city's prisons would be freed and join them.
  • French Republic

    French Republic
    The French set up a monarchy and made a French Republic. The Republic consisted of two groups the Jacobins and Girondins.The Girondins represent those outside of Paris and likes the King.
    The Jacobins represent the sans culotte, They want to kill the King.
  • Death of King

    Death of King
    The Jacobins wanted the King dead and the Girondins wanted him alive. On January 21,17893 the king is beheaded with the Guillotine . It was a new device that was quick, efficient, and could kill anyone like royalty
  • Committee of Public Safety/Robespierre

    Committee of Public Safety/Robespierre
    Jacobins and Girondins fought. They wanted price controls and universal male suffrage. Austria,Prussia Spain, Portugal, Britain, and Dutch Republic all formed coalition against France. They form a Committee of Public Safety that gains broad powers in response to external and internal issues. Maximilian Robespierre Rises in great popularity.
  • WAR

    France was dealing with foreign invaders. The Committee issued to create an army. They had 1 million in the army. Biggest army Europe has seen. The army push back invaders and more. The people's war was typically kings fought with fewer soilders.
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    Thermidorian Reaction
    Peasants were Catholics and a new anti-Religion.The Jacobins didn't pass a new Constitution in 1793. The Sans-Culotte
    didn't get what they wanted.
    Jacobins lose support of the San-Culotte's. Less need for the Reign of terror and Robespierre. He won more wars.In June 1794 they executed 1,300 people under Law of Prairial. Robespierre gained more power. The National convention arrested him.He is executed and Jacobins lose power.
  • Reign of Terror    

    Reign of Terror    
    It was led by Jacobins lead by Robespierre. They wanted to crush opposition to the revolution. In October of 1793 the Terror began.
    The Queen was the first victim. Some Girondins haven't fleed.
    40,000 citizens were killed either by guillotine or execution. 40% were clergy, nobles and Bourgeoisie. over 250,000 were imprisoned and they had all right suspended.
  • Virtue changes

    Virtue changes
    Mister and Mesdames became citizens and citizeness .They focused on education and abolished slavery in colonies. Their Religion was de-Christianizing in France. They closed churches. Notre Dame was renamed “temple of reason” They created a New Calender. The years started in September of 1792. Also they had
    12 new months,10 days weeks, and no Sunday
  • Directory

    Directory was an executive Branch. The Council of Elders chose 5 people from a list presented by Council of 500. That lasted from 1795-1799. The Bourgeoisie went corrupt.The Directory had issues. The Royalist and Radicals were still around and the
    Sans-Culotte have Prairial Uprising. In 1795 the Directory sends troops to put it down
  •  Napoleon

    In 1789 he got Lieutenant of a small army. He later became a captain in 1792 and returned to Paris to watch the Sans-Culotte attack. In 1796 Napoleon is made General and defeated the Papal states and Austria. In 1797 he was suppose to attack Britain but he invaded Egypt instead. in 1799 nobility and consuls wanted to overthrow Napoleon
  • Coup d'état

    Coup d'état
    The Coup d'état overthrew the system of government under the Directory in France. It was making way for the despotism of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Consul

    The French succeeded with Napoleon and created a Triumvirate with 3 consuls. Napoleon overthrew the other 2 consuls and declared consul for life in 1802. He was made emperor after.
  • Louisiana Purchase/Bread

    Louisiana Purchase/Bread
    In 1803 the French sold the Louisiana Purchase to America. That resulted in the French having a lot more money. They could afford Bread and the society was very happy.
  • Empire

    In 1804 Napoleon declared that the Republic is over. He says French is a empire and Napoleon becomes the Emperor. He has an election and 85% approve of his decision. He also made peace with the Catholic Church. He argued with the Pope that Catholicism was the main Religion.
  • Civil Code

    Civil Code
    France wanted to organize a legal code that was compared to the 300 different systems it had before the Revolution. Napoleon thought of the idea in 1804.The Civil Code stated that citizens were equal, people had the right to choose profession, Religious toleration, and abolition of serfdom and feudal obligations.
  • Wars 1807-1812

    Wars 1807-1812
    Napoleon became the Master of Europe after he defeated Prussia,Austria, and Russia. He consisted France of 3 parts, The French Empire,Dependent States, and Allied States. French Empire extended to Rhine and parts of Italy. The Dependent States were ran by his relatives and the Allied states joined him after he struggled. He tried invading Britain and that did not work. He also introduced Nationalism to France.
  • 1812-Russia

    Russia did not like the Continental System. Napoleon took action and invaded Russia. Russia responded by burning Moscow and using the scorching-earth tactic. Only 40,000 of 600,000 men returned,
  • 1814 Exile

    1814 Exile
    Napoleon surrendered and Paris is taken in 1814. In 1814 Napoleon is exiled to the island of Elba. 3 months after Napoleon went back to France. He still had support of the society. He then builds an army and heads towards Belgium.
  • 1815 Waterloo/Exile

    1815 Waterloo/Exile
    Napoleon fights Britain who is commanded by Duke of Wellington. Napoleon gets crushed and gets re-exiled to St.Helena, South of the Atlantic. He then died in 1821 of stomach cancer.