20101212224039david napoleon1

French Revolution

By foraker
  • Period: to

    Stage 1-- National Assembly/ Up to the First Constituion

    People Negotiate differences but eventually the radicals win out
  • National Guard formed by Louis XVI, but he can't control it well

  • The Fall of Bastile

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Stage 1
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

  • Constitution Enacted-- Elections Held

  • Period: to

    Stage 2-- Legislative Assemby/ National Convention

    Escalation to Violence-- radicals win by force
  • Storming of the Tuilleries Palace-- Danton becomes Minister of Justice

  • Royalist Revolts being-- Vendée, Brittany, Lyons, and Marseilles

  • Mass Executions of Royalists

  • Louis XVI Guillotined

  • Mountains from the Commune kill leading Girondins in the National Conventions-- Mountains win out

  • Period: to

    Stage 3-- Reign of Terror

    Radical Gov. is succesful and governs based on their values
  • Robespierre Elected to Committee of Public Safety

  • Levy En Masse Introduced

  • Reign of Terror OFficially Begun

  • Pacification of Vendée

  • Execution of Robespierre

  • Period: to

    Stage 4-- Thermidorean Reaction/ Consulate

  • Closing of the Jacobin Club

  • Constitution of the Directory

  • Napoleon Fires Grape shot to save the Directory

  • Coup d'Etat

  • Code Napoleon