Meeting of the Estates-General
Period: to
Stage 1
Protagonists negotiate differences-Eventually radicals win control over moderates. -
National Assembly Formed
Tennis Court Oath
Decleration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
1791 Constitution establishes a Constitutional Monarchy
Legislative Assembly Convenes
Attack on the Roayl Palace
Period: to
Stage 2
Differences escalate to violence(revolution and civil war) & radicals win control. -
National Convention Established
Monarchy Abolished
King Executed
Universal Mobilization of the Nation
Execution of Robespierre
Constitituion of 1795
Freedom of worhsip, laissez-faire economics, a two chamber legislature (Council of 500 and Council of Elders), and electors chosen by active citizens -
Period: to
Stage 3
Radicals are successful and establish a government based on their values. -
Napoleon Crushes the Paris Royalist Rebellion
Directory Assembles
Elections cause more uncertainty and instability
Coup d'etat allows Napoleon to rise to power
Period: to
Stage 4
Government of the radicals is not successful and the government becomes more conservative and the government becomes not too different fromt he one that was replaced by the revolution. -
Napoleon begins to shut down and snsor newspapers
The Concordat brings peace between France and the Catholic Church
Napoelon made council for life
Napoleon crowns himself Emperor