French Revolution

  • King louis birth (16th)

    King louis birth (16th)
    he was a small but healthy baby he was born at 6.24am in his parents apartment. The new arrival was promptly baptised Louis auguste by the royal chaplain on gurad and the king came riding in hotfoot from Choisy.
  • Queen Marie Antoinette Birth

    Queen Marie Antoinette Birth
    She was born on the same day as the famous earthquake of lisbon. Marie Antoinette was welcomed in France at first. Marie Antoinette formerly welcomed now was know for her spending habits.
  • King louie gets married

    King louie gets married
    Louie gets married to marie antoinette of austria...after a few years the people blamed the queen for being childless of the king's kid
  • King Louis 16 becoming king

    King Louis 16 becoming king
    When king louis became king he had too choose its own way govern France. King Louis was well aware of Frances military inefficiency and economical turmoil.
  • teenis court oath

    teenis court oath
    The National Assembly, also known as the Third Estate, was an ancient but little used gathering of nobles, clergy and common people. They were excluded from their regular meeting place by King Louis XVI and met instead at a nearby indoor tennis court. Here they pledged themselves to create a written constitution for France
  • Basgile

    all the girls were in furitated at the queen for haveing alot of bread and food for them to eat when they had very little to eat or could efford so wemon marched to bastile and stole ammunitions and wepons
  • the nation assembly

    the nation assembly
    the third estate declared themselves to be the `National Assembly', since they represented at least 96% of the nation. They took sovereign powers in respect of taxation and decided to frame a constitution restricting the powers of the king. There for, sovereignty was to reside not in the person of the monarch but in the nation, which would exercize it through the representatives it elected
  • Aboliton of nobility

    The major principle underlying the 4 August decree found legislative expression in the decree of 19 June 1790 which legally abolished the nobility all its privileges and, as the excerpt examples of those aspects that seemed sufficent to the reason
  • The king seeks forgin assistence

    The king seeks forgin assistence
    the royal family and its entourage increasingly felt that the changes of the past 18 months had cost them their dignity and power. Unable to stop or even control the changes being wrought in the Constituent Assembly, the King and Queen began to seek assistance from other European monarchs to help them regain their lost power in France. In this letter, Louis authorizes the Baron of Breteuil, his former foreign minister who
  • Reason for Rights Of Man

    Reason for Rights Of Man
    France were interested first in the conquest of their own country and then in the conquest of Europe and of the the rest of the world, which would be "liberated" whether it wished to be or not. Tom Paine's great response to Burke's work,The Rights of Man, appeared in 1791, and the debate between conservatives and radicals raged on for many years, and certainly influenced, directly or indirectly,
  • France going to war Austria/Prussia

    France going to war Austria/Prussia
    whent to war with Austria and all its other allies. The king thought that the war was going to increase his popularity. he Austrian emperor Leopold the 2nd will wished that he could advoid war. Then France still declared war with Austria and then Prussia joined an the Austria side a few weeks later.
  • The kings Flee

    The kings Flee
    King Louie 16th of France, fled Paris with his family, hoping to meet up with Austrian forces, which would help him restore the traditional monarchy. He was recognized and captured at Varennes, brought back to Paris, then executed after a trial
  • The rain of tear

    The rain of tear
    lasted until the fall of Robespierre on July 27, 1794: during the last six weeks of the Terror alone (the period known as the "Red Terror") nearly fourteen hundred people were guillotined in Paris alone.
  • mary anoennetts conviction

    mary anoennetts conviction
    marie antwenet was charged with traty and was sent to the guilteen
  • napoleon takes control

    napoleon takes control
    napoleon takes control of the french government
  • Revolution ends

    Revolution ends
    The french revolution comes to an end
  • When Napoleon became the Emperor

    When Napoleon became the Emperor
    Napoleon Buonaparte became Emperor in May of 1804.
  • napoleon is defeated

    napoleon is defeated
    Napoleon defeated in Leipzig