roberpierre was born
roberpierre was a great speaker. he was ruling france for a while. at the begianing he wanted pease. but then he started the riegn of terror. because he was so power hungery and was making list of so many to kill. when he didnt tell who was on the list he was put in prison. everyone was scared they were on the list. -
King Louis 16 getts married.
King louis and mary anoniete gets married because france and austria think it would be good for both countires. the countires both had recantly became alies. they thought that they could show peice between them. It was sort of pease offering. they were both very young. -
Joseph Ignace Guillotin invented the guillotine.
They used this because they thought it was a more civile way of killing. Before they used painful way to despose of people. they thought that it was less painful. and it was more faster and eseair. it was refured to as the national razor. -
marie A's 1st baby was born.
they had problems haveing a baby. and when your king you need a son. it was her job to produce france with a son. because it took so long for them to have a baby. many rumors about her were spred. -
National Assembly is created.
when the 3rd estate came for the votings they realize they would never be treated equally. so they went to a room in the house and met there. the next day they found that the king locked the doors. they went out to the tennis court and formed the national assembly and promised tomeet there everyday. -
Tennis court oath
they met ther ebecause the king locked the doors to the other place they were meeting. they promise to meet there everyday -
The bastille is attacked
they attacked the bastille in serach of gunpower. they tore it apart brick by brick. they didnt have any weponds. thats why the attacked it. they got there gunpower. -
Declartion of the rights of man was created
the declartion on the rights of man was created by the national assembly. this was the form of governmernt they could use. this is what they got by meeting at the court every meeting. they even got the king to sign it, after they took him as a perioner. -
King Louis becomes king.
King louis was only 4 when he origanlly became king. he was not the best choise of a king. and had to deal with things his grandfather left. he didnt deal with them very well. he never ends up being a good king. -
the royal family leave for there escape
the royal family leave to go to asutria. thats were marie A's family are. they want austria to send troops. and make france a absolute monarch agian. they dont get very far. they get sent back, and are split apart in jails. -
France went to war, vs. Purssia and austria.
when france declared war on prussia and asutria they were open for attack. because they were destrackted, briten went after them too. they also had people agians the revlolution growing too. they were being hit from all sides. -
King Louis 16 is killed.
he was thought to have been talking to other countries about france. they became a trader to his own countrie. he was sent to the guillotin. he told his family he would say goodbye. but he couldnt because he was to upset about it. he went with houner though. -
Reign of terror
During the reign of terror many were killed. it was a time period were loylist's heads were cut off. any one caught not being 'happy' of what they were doing was sent to the gullitine. everyone was very scared and paraniod. anyone could be sent to the national razor. -
Marie Anoniete died
it was weird for girls to be killed bacl then. but she was accused of treason. and they tryed to say for insect with her son. he died in jail years earlyer. she wasnt charged for insecst. but was for sending letter to austria about what france was planing. so she was killed -
napoleon becomes leader of france
Napoleon is a very good leader. he becomes dictator. but he gives people rights. and he wins almost every fight. every place he takes he shows them enlightment ideas. so when they get there absolute monarchs back they make there king use these ideas. he was sent to an island 2 times. -
The frence vs. Austria/prussia war ends
this is when the seven year war ends