Estates General Meeting
The Estates Gerenal Meeting, was when the three branchs of France, and the king got together. The three branches where the, clergy, nobles, and everyone else. The meeting was over taxing the nobles or not to tax them, because France was bank rupt. -
Tennis Court Oath
After getting kicked out of the meeting by the king. The people of the third party went into the tennis court, and started to form their independance, for the country of France. -
Storming of the Bastille
The people of France stormed the bastille, and sezied weapons to arm themselves agaist the forgein army of Fance, and relised sevem political prisoners. And to this day is celebrated as the first day of independance for the French. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, was the starting point of what set the French free from monarchy, and into independance. Give the people of France rights to do things, that they couldn't before. Similar to The Declaration of Indepence, we have in America. -
Women's March on Versailles
The people opf France were gossiping about the Kind, and Queen hoarding grain at their palace, so the women of France marched onto their home, and forced them out, and into Paris. -
Escape of the Royal Family
The royal family dressed as servants, and their servants dressed as royals. -
Champ de Mars
Champ de Mars was an area in France where people where gathering, and the first massicure of the new goverment of France. -
Execution of Louis XVI
The Jacobin didn't want a king, and to have a republic, so when they caught the king, they thought he's denouncing the throne. So they then exicuted him to stop whatever side he's supporting. -
End of Revolution and Rise of Napoleon
Napoleon Bonaparte was a artillery captain, that was gaining much esteem in ranks, and with him rising came a end to the French revolution. -
Reign of Terror
This was the time when if you're thought to be susspious, you're going to be killed. The leader was Maximiliein, and was later thought to be suspious, and was executed by the guillotine, and the Reign of Terror was ended.