French flag

French Revolution

  • Nobility forces King Louis XVI to call teh Estates General into session

    Nobility forces King Louis XVI to call teh Estates General into session
    the king was in trouble. The nobility was not happy with his attempt to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost once again on the Third Estate.
  • Estate-General meets in Paris

    Estate-General meets in Paris
    King Louis XVI calls body into session to approve a new tax on the Thirdmet Estate. Hd not met in 175 years.
  • Third Estate refused to abide by the kings one vote for each estate order

    Third Estate refused to abide by the kings one vote for each estate order
    proclaimed themselves legislature with right to make laws for France ( National Assembley)
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    the Third Estate meet at the indoor tennis court of Versailles and say they are not going to leave unitl they have written a constitution for the nation they represent. The king eventually decides to allow it.
  • The Storming Of the Beas

    The Storming Of the Beas
    A mob of Parisians went to the Beastile tried to make negotiation- but then attacked. This taking a major step in the revolutioniaries favor.
  • GREAT FEAR Begins

    GREAT FEAR Begins
  • National Assembly abolishes Feudalism with August Decrees

    National Assembly abolishes Feudalism with August Decrees
    Ntional Aseembly had eliminated all the feudal dues and servieces that the peasents owed and servieces that the peasents ow the landowners
  • delceration og rightd of man

    delceration og rightd of man
    basic principles of the French revolution- all equal in teh eyes of the law. Giving people te freedom of speech, press and religion.
  • women of Parris march to Versailles for Bread

    women of Parris march to Versailles for Bread
    got King Louis xvi to move back to Parris to live in the Tuileries palace with his family
  • royal family's flight from Varennes

    royal family's flight from Varennes
    scared of the revolutionaries, sowing power to them
  • New constitution adopted

    New constitution adopted
    This was to give the king less power and premote rights to the third estate. Creating the Directory.
  • Begining of Legislative Assembly

    Begining of Legislative Assembly
    the people who were in charge were not experienced and ill prepared.
  • Brunswick Manifesto warns that Royal family must not be harmed or else..

    Austria sends 50,000 troops to stand at te borders. But France had the army that was ill prepared and was beaten.
  • Storming of the Tuileries Palace

    Storming of the Tuileries Palace
    The Royal fmaily was thrown
  • French Monarcy is officialy abolished

    French Monarcy is officialy abolished
    Revolutionary Gov't votes to abolis the monarchy and establish the first Republic. Royal family imprisoned
  • French defeat foreign invaders (Austria and Prussia) who are attempting to preserve the monarchy.

    French defeat foreign invaders (Austria and Prussia) who are attempting to preserve the monarchy.
    Francechanges the tide of the war and takes the offensive against te invaders.
  • The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris

    The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris
    Quickly spread though France and Europe. Revolutionaries were being called savages and scaring multiple countries and the some French people.
  • Committee of Public Safety established

    Committee of Public Safety established
    to help the governemtn during the French revolution to protect the new established government. to make thier army they drafted males who were unmarried from ages 18-45.
  • Law of Suspects passes Begining Reign Of Terror in France

    Law of Suspects passes Begining Reign Of Terror in France
    revolutionaries scared of counterrevolutionthey say that you should tell on the person who you see that is against our revolution. And take drastic actions putting fear throughout the country.
  • Endof the Reign Of Terror

    Endof the Reign Of Terror
    Sending fright throughout France for tey may die at the guillotine. About 100 peoples heads were cut off like so many before.
  • National Convention is dissolved and the creation of te Directorate

    Elected the governing board passing reforms to help rebuild and improve farmers and trading.
  • Napolean named FIRST Consul

    Napolean named FIRST Consul
    A forced transfer of power- wanting peace and rest
  • Coronation of Napolean Bonaparte as Emperor of France

    Coronation of Napolean Bonaparte as Emperor of France
    Napolean becomes emperor of France.