French revolution

French Revolution

  • King calls Estates General into session

    King calls Estates General into session
    The nobility forced King Louis XVI to call the Estates General into session. The king was in trouble. The nobility was not happy with his attempt to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost once again on the Third Estate
  • Estate-General meets in Paris

    Estate-General meets in Paris
    King Louis XVI calls the Estates General into session to approve a new tax on the 3rd Estate. Had not met in 175 years.
  • 3rd Estate refused to abide by King

    3rd Estate refused to abide by King
    The 3rd estate refused to listen to the king's rule of one vote per estate order. The 3rd estate representatives were influenced by the enlightment thinkers and took a stand against his orders. This led to the Tennis Court Oath
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The king took action by locking the 3rd estate out of the meeting place. This led to the 3rd Estate meeting inside a tennis court and swore they would not leave until they wrote the constitution for France. The king eventually allowed each prepresentative a vote.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    The king ordered military troops to paris.. National assembly feared that he wanted to end the meetings. People of Paris stormed Bastille for arms in case the king took any actions
  • Great Fear begins

    Great Fear begins
    People of Paris feared that the king would punish them and end the revolution. Fear swept France and many rumors began; some true, many false
  • Feudalism is abolished

    Feudalism is abolished
    Nattional assembly abolishes feudalism with august decrees. They eliminated feudal dues and services that the peasants owed to landowners. They also elimintated 1st Estate's legal privileges.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    Declaration of Rights of Man
    The Declaration of Rights of Man laid out the basic principals of the French revolution; liberty, equality and fraternity. Writers had inspiration from the Bill of Rights, Declaration of indipendence and included idas of Enlightment philosophers. These set of ideals state that all men were born equal and remain equal by law, garenteeing freedom of speech, press and religion. Although this declaration was a large step forward, these rights did not extend to women.
  • Women of Paris March to Versailles for Bread

    Women of Paris March to Versailles for Bread
    Louis XVI brought in troops to protect his throne- another wrong move. This angered the people of Paris. 7,000 women marched to Versailles demanding bread. A mob broke into the palace and the King agreed to return to Tuileries Palace to live with his family.
  • Royal Family's Flight from Varennes

    Royal Family's Flight from Varennes
    The king and queen felt that they were not safe with all the events happening in France for the past few months. They flee from Paris in disguises. However they were recognized and brought back to the Tuileries Palace
  • New Constitution adopted

    New Constitution adopted
    Creating this new constitution allowed the assembly to sieze land of the church to be sold to pay off France's debt. Religious orders were disbanded and turned the clergy to public employees.
  • Beginning of Legislative Assembly

    Beginning of Legislative Assembly
    A new legislative body was created called the Legislative Assembly. Citizens gained broad voting rights (men aged 25 and up). They also restricted the king's powers.
  • Other countires concerned about royal family.

    Other countires concerned about royal family.
    Brunswick Manifesto warns that the Royal family must not be harmed. Austria sent troops to the French Border. Assembly declared war however was difeated. Paris suffered food shortages, high prices and foregn troops marching toward city.
  • Storming of Tuileries Palace

    Storming of Tuileries Palace
    A mob marched on the Tuileries Palace and slaughtered guards. The monarchy was thrown in prison and the Legislature Assembly voted itself out of existence. They were replaced with a new legislative called the National Convention
  • French Monarchy is officially abolished

    French Monarchy is officially abolished
    Revolutionary Government votes to abolish the monarchy and establish the first Republic. Royal prison imprisoned.
  • French defeat foreign invaders who try to preserve monarchy

    French defeat foreign invaders who try to preserve monarchy
    France turns the tide of the war and takes the offensive against the invaders.
  • The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris

    The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris
    After the execution of King Louis XVI in Paris, the event spread quickly andeveryone outside France reacted with horror
  • Commitee of Public Safety Established

    Commitee of Public Safety Established
    The committee of Public Safety was established to manage France's military defense against foreign forces. The committee drafted all men that were unmarried men aging from 18-25 years old. The revolutional tribunal was also established to eliminate those who threatened/opposed the revolution
  • Law of Suspects passes- Beginning of Reign of Terror in France

    Law of Suspects passes- Beginning of Reign of Terror in France
    The reign of terror was a period of time where many accusations, trials and executions were carried out. As a result of corrupted trials, many executions were based on false accusations. This spread fear throughout France.
  • End of Reign of Terror- execution of Robespierre

    End of Reign of Terror- execution of Robespierre
    The reign of terror lasted for about 10 months. Throughout these months, 300,000 people were arrested and 17,000 were executed. The amount of violence in France shocked many people and increased foreign opposition in France
  • National Convention is dissolved and the creation of Directorate

    National Convention is dissolved and the creation of Directorate
    The national Convention is made up of five men whihch are known as the directors. However, this was not an efficient government due to the weak and corrupted directors. The Directorate led to higher prices and bankruptcy.
  • Napoleon named First Consul

    Napoleon named First Consul
    Napoleon took over power from the Directory. Three consuls replaced the Directory as the government of France. Napoleon soon became a dictator and promised stability and order.
  • Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France

    Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France
    Napoleon was going to be crowned as Emperor of France due to his leadership abilities and military accomplishments. As the Pope of Rome was about to crown Napoleon, he grapped it and crowned himself. This event told the world that no one gave Napoleon authority, instsead he took it himself.