Noble forces King Louis16 call Estates General into session
The King was in trouble. The nobility was not happy with his attempt to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost once again on the Third Estate. -
Estate-General meets in Paris
King Louis XVI calls body into session to approve a new tax on the 3rd Estate. Had not meet in 175 years. -
3rd Estate refused to abide by the kings one vote for each estate
The influence of Englightenment philosophers, that the Estate-General of third Estate think the voteing system is unfair -
Tennis Court Oath
The Estate-General is not allow to leave until the constitution is written. King also decide to gave each representative have a vote. -
The Storming of the Bastille
King Louic XVI order troops in to the city of paris and Versailles to protect himself. While National Assemly thought knig is going to use violence on them -
Great Fear Begins
people are fear of king going to punish them. There is also rumors about what king might do which to create the fear to the 3rd Estate abnd start the violence in French -
National Assembly abolishe Feudalism with August Decrees
The people form third Estate can own land and they elimainated the first Estate's legal privileges. -
Declartion of the Right of Man
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Combination of English Bill of right, American Declartion of Independence and idea from Englishtenment philosopher. The women does not receive the right. -
Woman of Paris March to Versailles for Bread
King Louis called for the troop against, people fear he would creash the revolution.King have to return to Paris. -
Royal Family's Flight from Varennes
serized the church property to pay off the debt. Assemble turn clergy to public employees which scare many people include third Estate -
New Constitution adopted
Taxes and voting right provide to man who is at least 25, also the limit power of King. -
Beginning of Legislative Assembly
The people of Frence set up Legislative system that similar to American and British. -
Brunswick Manifesto warns that Royal Family
Austria and Rrussia warn Royal Family not to harm the king, which make it worse. Frence declarade war to them, people are blame the king for what has happens. -
Storming of the Tuileries Palace
The king and the Queen are send to prison -
French Monarchy is offcially abolished
Revolutionary Gov't votes to abolish the monarchy and establish the first Republic. Royal family imprisoned. -
French defeat foreign invader who are attempting to preserve monarchy
France turns the tide of the war and takes the offensive against the invaders( Austria and Prussia). -
The execution of King Louis XVI in Paris
The king is scheduled to death (guillotine). -
Committee of Public Safety Established
New thing such as different calender, reading the Declaration of Right of Man instead of Bible. -
Law of Suspects passesBeginning of the Reign of Terror in France
Fear of another revolution to go against this revolution -
End of the Reign of Terror Execution of Robespierre
Many common people are kill because they go against revolution. The fear of third estate have cause more opposition on Revolution -
National Convention is dissolved and the creation pf the Directorate
The new constitution limit the right of taxes and ownnership of property. -
Napoleon named First consul
Napoleon gain territory for France. In 1798 he control Egypt. The fear of Monarchy and the weak of Directory cause him to rise power. -
Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France
Napolenon gave people right to vote for he to became Emperor.