
French Revolution

  • Nobility forces king to call general sessions

    Nobility forces king to call general sessions
    The king was in trouble. The nobility was not happy with his attempt to tax their estate. Nobility wanted to pass the cost once again on the third estate.
  • Estate-general meets in paris

    Estate-general meets in paris
    King louis XVI calls body into session to approve new tax on the 3rd estate. Had not met in 175 years.
  • 3rd estate refuses to abide bythe kings one vote for each estate order

    3rd estate refuses to abide bythe kings one vote for each estate order
    They wanted to change the voting process
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    When the 3rd estate met in a tennis court
  • The storming of the bastille

    The storming of the bastille
    A mod invaded the old prison of bastille in attempt to gather weapons and protect themselves from the king!
  • Great Fear beings

    Great Fear beings
    Many were scared that the king would punish them for there crimes.
  • Declaration of the rights of man

    Declaration of the rights of man
    Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
  • Women of paris march to versailles for bread

    Women of paris march to versailles for bread
    out break of parish mob, liberal monarchical constitution.
  • Royal familys flight from varennes

    Royal familys flight from varennes
    king and queen are protected by the army.
  • National Aseembky abolishes feudalism with august Decrees

    National Aseembky abolishes feudalism with august Decrees
    Surrender of fuedal fights
  • new constitution adopted

    new constitution adopted
    They started to use a more of a " for the people" type of constituion.
  • Beginning of legislative assembly

    Beginning of legislative assembly
    The Legislative Assembly was driven by two opposing groups. The members of the first group were primarily moderate members of the bourgeoisie that favored a constitutional monarchy, represented by the Feuillants, who felt that the revolution had already achieved its goal.
  • Brunswick Manifesto warns that royal family must not be harmed or else

    Brunswick Manifesto warns that royal family must not be harmed or else
    Warned peasents to stay away or they would be punished!
  • Storming of the tuileries palace

    Storming  of the tuileries palace
    An angry mob storms the palace
  • French monarchy offically aboslished

    French monarchy offically aboslished
    Revolutionary Gov't votes to abolish the monarchy and established the first republic. royal family imprisoned.
  • French Defeat Foriegn invaders

    French Defeat Foriegn invaders
    French turn the tide of war and take offence against the invaders
  • Execution of the king

    Execution of the king
    The be heading of the king in town square.
  • Commitee of public safter

    Commitee of public safter
    Basically established to help cities safty between each others and foriegn enemys.
  • Law of suspects

    Law of suspects
    A law that puts who ever is a suspect in acount of crime will be held acountable until proven other wise.
  • End of the riegn of terror

    End of the riegn of terror
    The creator of the guotine was exicuted because they foiund it was and making the situation much much worse.
  • National convention dissolved

    National convention dissolved
    Legislative acts formed and laws and constitution
  • Napoleon named first consul

    Napoleon named first consul
    Basically the cuy in office in gov that looks at laws and establishes laws
  • Coronation of napoleon as emperor of france

    Coronation of napoleon as emperor of france
    Napoleon crowned himself emperor basically put france in the position of dictatorship