French rev

French Revolution

By cchabal
  • Rise of the Revolutionary Army

    The third estate in France created their own National Assembly. They swore to overthrow the government and not stop until everyone was equal.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Because of the rising bread prices and shortage of food, an angry crowd stormed the Bastille in search of ammunition. After capturing the Bastille, the rebels released prisoners and beheaded the warden.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The French adaptation of the Bill of Rights. Gave citizens the right to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.
  • Church Reformation

    The revolutionaries wanted to reform the church because they were tired of the church's power, land ownership, and they feared the reform of the Divine Right of Kings.
  • Constitution of 1791

    A document that established a limited monarchy. The position of the king still existed, but a legislative assembly was formed to create and pass laws. Local officials were responsible for taxes, and people were elected into office.
  • First French Republic

    Established by the National Convention. Marked the end of the monarchy, and lasted until the declaration of the First French Empire in 1804. This was a large period of revolution for France.
  • Louis' Execution

    King Louis XVI was beheaded, so he would not be a rallying point for opponents of the republic.
  • Society for Revolutionary Republican Women

    A group that was formed to make womens' issues known. There was a bigger fight for equality and womens' views in politics.
  • Reign of Terror

    -Almost 40,000 traitors and counter-revolutionaries killed
    -16,000 killed by guillotine
    -Dead strewn about the streets
  • Law of 22 Prairial Passed

    A law passed during the Reign of Terror that limited the accused to defend themselves. It simplified the judicial process. All that were found guilty for offenses were sentenced to death.
  • End of Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror over
  • The Directory

    A group formed to stop the Terror and the Revolution. They establish a group for public safety.It was eventually overthrown by Napoleon.
  • Napoleon's Coup d'etat

    Overthrew the Directory, a constitutionsl government, and replaced it with the French Consulate.
  • Civil Code; Nepolenic Code

    A set of laws that stated people had freedom of religion, no privlages based on birth, and government positions given to the most qualified.
  • Napoleon's invasion of Russia

    Russian czar, Alexander I, refused to continue the blockade of British goods any longer. Napoleon became angry and invaded Russia with an army of almost 600,000 men from all over Europe (Italy, France, Poland, and Germany).
  • Battle at Waterloo

    Napoleon's final battle after return to power from 100 days in exile. He was killed, and King Louis XVIII was returned to the French throne.
  • Rise of the Paris Commune

    A brief government that rulled until May 28. Led by the working class during the Industrial Revolution.