Period: to
French Revolution
Convening the Estates General
King louis meets with all three estates about changing taxes. King didn't treat the third estate as good as the first 2 so they formed the National Assembley. -
Tennis Court Oath
The National Assembley found themself locked out of their meeting room so they moved to a tenis court and pledged not to leave untill they make a new constitution. -
Storming of the Bastille
The people of Paris stole muskets but didn't have powder and shot for it and they knew it was held in the Bastille so they stormed it, took the shot and powder, and tore it down because it represented the king. -
Great Fear
Rumurs moved into the countryside that nobles were being paid to terrorize the peasents. Peasents burned nobles houses and destroyed legal papers. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Men in France were tired of having their rights squashed so the National Assembley passed the document protecting men's sacred rights. -
Women’s march to Versailles
WOmen in the market place of Paris became mad at the high price of bread, so they marched to Versailles and demanded the king and queen come live in Paris. -
Louis and Marie’s flight to Varennes
Louis and Marie try to flee france to get military help to try crush the Revolution. -
Constitution of 1791
The Frence people feeled they needed a more proper write up constitution to help govern and function the country. -
Brunswick Manifesto
A written proclamation that warned if the royal family was harmed the French population would pay. -
National Convention
Formed to create a new constitiution after the overthrow of the absolute monarchy. -
Reign of Terror
Tension rose between the two political groups the Girodins and the Jacobins. Anyone who was suspected of plotting against the government was executed. -
It was a body of 5 Directors that held executive power after the convention. -
Napoleon Bonaparte takes over
Napoleon became very popular with the French people and he became a consul. -
Concordat of 1801
An agreement between Napolean and Pope Pius VII that allowed the Catholic Church as the majority church of France. -
Louisiana Purchase
France sells their claim of land in North America to the UNited States. This takes France out of debt. -
Napoleonic Code
Napolean creats a written set of privilges givven to FRench citizens at birth. -
Battle of Trafalgar
The French and spanish navy defeat the British navy off the coast of Spain. -
Continental System
Blockade aimed at stopping the British trade. -
Peninsular War
France was in war with Britian and was allied with Spain. Then France turned on Spain. -
Invasion of Russia
Considered one of the greatest mistakes of all time. The French won some small battles but lost most. -
Exile to Elba
After Neapoleans failure he was exiled to the island of Elba. He wasnt treated like a prisoner he had guards and was considered emperor there. -
Battle of Waterloo
Battle with the British, Prussians, Germans, Belgums, and Dutch led by Napolean. It was his final loss. -
Exile to St. Helena
After his final loss at Waterloo no one trusted him anymore so he was imprisoned at St. Helena until his death.