French revolution

French Revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    After the Thirf Estate decided to leave Esatates General, they created a new National Assembly.
    The National Assembly gathered outside halls on royal tennis courts.
  • Women march on Versailles

    Women march on Versailles
    Women rioted over the high price of bread. They broke into the palace and demanded bread from the King and Queen.
    As a result, the women demanded the King and Queen come to Paris, and they became prisoners of people.
  • The Great Fear

    The Great Fear
    Peasants were terrorized after nobles hired outlaws for security. This started the Great Fear where peasants started to attack nobles.
  • Fall of Bastille

    Fall of Bastille
    After the King hired Swiss guards to protect Paris, the citizens began to fear the King and gather weapons to fight back. Citizens collected gunpowder from the prison Bastille.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man
    Adopted by the National Assembly- "men are born and remain free and equal in rights"
    "preserve natural, liberty, propery, security"
    "Liberty, Equality, and Faternity" for all men (women were not included)
  • The Royal Escape

    The Royal Escape
    Because they were in danger, Louis XVI and his family tried to escape but were sent back to Paris under Guard.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    The National Assemby declared the Church should be run by the State. Also, it sold off church lands to pay France's large debt.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    This constitution adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and created a French constitutional monarchy
  • Declaration of Pilnitz

    Declaration of Pilnitz
    Austria and Prussia vowed to the rights of monarchy after the Legislative Assembly declared war against them.
  • Creation of National Convention

    Creation of National Convention
    Due to the fear of radicalism, the Legislative Assembly gave up on the idea of limited government and created a new governing body, the National Convention.
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Reign of Terror Begins
    After the execution of the king, Jacobins set out to remove every trace of French Monarchy and nobility.
  • Execution of a Monarch

    Execution of a Monarch
    The Jacobins voted to convict and sentence to death for treason Louis XVI.
  • Death of Robespierre and the End of The Terror

    Death of Robespierre and the End of The Terror
    Members of the National Convention became afraid of Robespierre. They wanted to protect themselves and put an end on the Terror. Robespierre was arrested and guillotined.
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    After the execution of Robespierre, Moderates created a bicameral legislature and a 5 person executive. The Directory controlled food prices and placed Napolean Bonaparte at the head of the French Army.
  • Constitution of 1795

    The National Convention ratified this constitution and established the Directory.
  • Napolean becomes Consultant

    Napolean becomes Consultant
    Napolean had established himself as the head of the government of France. Napolean overthrew the Directory when he become the Consultant.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    Agreement between Napoleon Bonaparte and Pope Pius VII that reestablished the Roman Catholic Church in France.
  • Coronation of an Emperor

    Coronation of an Emperor
    Napolean was crowned Emperor of the French in 1804.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    The French Empire significantly defeated the Third Coalition. This was one of Napolean's greatest victories.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    A sea battle fought between the British Royal Navy and the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies.
  • Invasion of Spain

    Invasion of Spain
    During the Peninsula War, France turned on its alley, Spain.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    The French invasion of Russia in 1812 was a fail for Napolean. This invasion was an attempt to force Tsar Alexander I to submit to the terms of a treaty that Napoleon had imposed.
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    Napoleon was banished by the Allied governments and spent ten months on the island of Elba under the Treaty of Fontainebleau.
  • "A Hundred Days"

    "A Hundred Days"
    A period between Emperor Napoleon's return from exile on Elba to Paris on 20 March 1815 and the second restoration of King Louis XVIII on 8 July 1815.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Napolean and the forces of the French Empire were defeated by the Seventh Coalition and the Prussian Army. This defeat put an end to Napoleon's rule as Emperor of France.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The four European powers met to settle the many issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars. They wanted to settle future boundaries, a balance of power in order to prevent imperialism and much more.