Economic failure
The French Government fell into extreme debt partly due to their aid of the american's in the revolutionary war. -
The third estate declares itself a National Assembly
Tennis Court Oath
The 3rd estate gathered in a tennis court after its meeting place was locked. They swore never to disband until a constitution was established. -
Fall of the Bastille
The Bastille was a prison and represented despotism (tyranny, abuse of power) over the 3rd estate. The whole 3rd estate united, men, women, and children. There was extreme violence and blood. -
Peasants rebel
The peasants rebel in 5 major cities. Choas grows and it represented the true widespread beginning of the revolution. -
National Assembly abolishes noble rights
The National Assembly voted to abolish seignerurial (feudal lord) rights as well as the fiscal privileges of Nobles, clergy, towns, and provinces. -
National Assembly provides foundation for its actions
The assembly provided the edeological foundation for its actions and an educational device for the nation by adopting the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citzen. -
Women's March on Versailles
Thousands of women march 12 miles from the Hotel de Ville to Versailles to demand bread for their starving children. -
The King Complies to pressure
The king complies to the demands of the women's march and is escorted back the Paris with grain from the palace storehouses. This represented the king caving to pressure from the National Assembly as well as the public. -
New Civil Constitution of the Clergy put into effect.
The new constitution of the clergy secularized the church. The bishops and preists were to be elected by the state. The pope forbade the clergy to accept and and only 54% of the clergy took the oath that binded them to the Civil Constitution. This upset many people incuding peasants. The peasants didn't want to go against their religion. -
Louis XVI tries to flee France
The king was captured at Varennes. Some people called for him to be disposed but the National Assembly pretended he was kidnapped. -
Declaration of Pillnitz
The Declaration invited other monarchs to take means to help the king of france strengthen his position. Many emigres (nobles who left france) -
Slavery is abolished in France
The National Assembly complete their new constitution.
The new constitution limited the constitutional monarchy greatly. This represented the beginning of a new government. A republic. -
France declares war on Austra
They were trying to unite the country. The national convention was. Created a strong french army. -
Legislative Assembly takes the king captive
With this event the revolution took a turn for the worse and violent. The Sans-culottes also became a new paris commune. -
The National Convention abolishes Monarchy
The National Convention abolished Monarchy and set up their republic, but this was the last area that was agreed upon. The Convention split over the fate of the king -
The Natonal Convention abolishes monarchy
The Natonal Convention abolishes monarchy and establishes a republic. This however was a far as they were able to agree on and split into the Girdonins and Mountains in respect to their places in convention hall. -
The king is beheaded
Louis the XVI is beheaded and the revolution reaches the point of no return. This act created many enemies both within and outside of France. -
Women demand cheaper bread
A group of women appeal romally to the National Covention for lower bread prices. The women responded very angry and ended up founding the Society fro Revolutionary Republican Women. -
Law of General Maxium (Spring)
This law established set prices on items essential to life such as bread. Bakers would be told they can only sell bread for x amount of money in order to make food affordable for peasants. -
National Convention is stormed by the Paris Commune
This marked the revolution getting much more radical and unstable. The paris commune consisted of the sans-cuottes. -
Committee of Public Safety decree a universal mobilization of the Nation
This decree raised an army that by September 1794 reached 1,169,000 soliders, called the Republic's army. It was one of the first armies that fought for the people and rights instead of for the will of a monarch. -
De christianiazion begins
This marked the a ridiculous part of the revolution. The government attempted to to completely eliminate christian influence in the new France. They went as far as to re-name Notre Dame the Temple of Reason and re-do the entire calender getting rid of sundays and replacing religious celevrations with revolutionary festivals. -
New republican calendar
Yet another example of the dechristianization of France. They redid the calendar to get rid of all aspects of Christianity. They got rid of all Christian holidays and redesigned the calendar to start on September 22, 1792. -
A ceremony dedicated to the worship of reason was held in Notre Dame
This was the new name for Notre Dame. It was an example of the de-christianization of france. It held ceremonies dedicated to the worship of reason and other secular sessions. It caused major conflict considering that most of france was still catholic. -
Law of 14 Frimaire
The CPS tried to centralize the administration of France and exersize more control. Tried to reign in the reign of terror. THe campaign against christianity was also weakened. -
Reign of Terror
When the comitte of Public safety and National convention tried to get rid of all counter revolutionaries inside the republic, by the guillitine. An estimated 20k or more people were killed. -
Slavery is abolished in French Colonies
Led by Toussaint L'Ouverture, a revolution struck another blow for the equality that france was reaching for, -
Robespiere Executed
Dominated the CPS, justified using terror to gain peace. Extremely good orator. Was the driving force behind the reign of terror. His execution was the mark of the extremes that the revolution reached. It also marked the end of the true reign of terror as he was the head of it. -
Churches opened and freedom of worship renewed
The churches were allowed to open their doors again for worship and freedom of religion was again secured for france. It was a clear indication that moderate forces were regaining control of the Revolution. -
New Constitution Finished
The new constitution established a national legislative assembly and checks and balances. It was a representitive government. Many figures from the old government were apart of the new government.