Coronation of Louis XVI as King
Louis XVI is crowned King of France. Even as a boy, he was seen as timid, absentminded, and generally unfit or even unideal for the role of a king. The people did not see it as a good move for the monarchy, and began to look down on him from the start; their opinions only getting worse from there. -
Period: to
American Revolution
The Americans begin their war of 'Independence' against the British Colonies. The Americans claim victory with the Treaty of Paris, further inspiring the French that revolution and rebellion is possible. -
France joins the American Revolution
France joins the Americans in their fight against Great Britain. Louis XVI see's this as a way to get revenge for the Seven Years War against Britain that his predeccsror lost. It strains France's financial problems and only makes matters worse at home while they send money abroad. -
Famine and Grain Shortages in France
Malnutrition ensues as France experiences one of their harshest winters. Problems with grain arise, and the prices soar. The people of France are miserable and on the brink of starvation. -
Estates-General Meets
A meeting of the Estates-General, the three estates, is called for the first time since 1614. The Three States are consiting as follows: First being royalty and family and friends of the king, Second consisting of nobles, and clergymen, and the third basically everyone else. Representatives were chosen for each by election. -
The National Assembly is created
The National Assembly is established out of members of the Third Estate. These merchants, promoters of capitilism, join together to make better lives for themselves as still members of the Third Estate -
Tennis Court Oath is Created
Members of the National Assembly, after being locked out of the building by Louis XVI, congregate in a nearby tennis court and swear to stay together and fight the injustices of the monarchy. -
Jacques Necker is Dismissed by Louis XVI
The people get angry for they saw Necker as somebody to look up to in the government. This is seen as one of Louis XVI biggest mistakes, pushing it over the 'tipping point' and letting go of one of his last strings on order in Paris and the rest of the country. -
Storming of the Bastille
The French people, take up arms and riots ensue. The Bastille, in the center of Paris, is stormed and the guards are killed. The Bastille had become a symbol of fear and power in the hearts and minds of the French people and it was doomed to become one of the first things to go about the government, being surrounded by mobs. The people begin dismantling it, brick by brick, with their hands. -
Creation of The Declaration of the Rights of Man
This document, highlights the essential rights that all men should have. It promotes equality, and essentially destroys the class system and the thought of the king being above all. Read the complete declaration. -
Mob's form in Paris and head for Versailles
Groups of women, who are outraged at the prices of bread, form in the Paris market, and head to Versaille to take their problems to the king himself. Versaille is quite the march from Paris, and this mob takes a while, showing determination, to arrive. -
Versailles is stormed
The Castle of Versailles is stormed and the mob takes Louis XVI and Marie back to Paris, where they hold them in the city, among the people. -
Louis XVI and Marie attempt escape
In an elaborate plan, Louis and Marie try to smuggle themselves in a carriage out of the country and into Austria. Dubbed the "Flight to Varennes", their close escape attempt could have worked, except Louis' false pretext that people respected and would recognize him led to their capture, after they were seen at a passport office and marched back to the capital. -
Louis XVI and Marie are captured and sent back to Paris
*See Louis XVI and Marie attempt escape -
The 'Guillotine' is made the official means of execution
Doctor Joseph-Ignace Guillotin proposes his execution device to the National Assembly, and its a huge hit. It provides a cleaner and more efficient way to behead guilty parties and is definitely a crowd pleaser. Beheading was already the form of execution reserved for those in higher positions and this just made it more popular. -
First Day of the French Revolutionary Calendar
Robespierre abolishes the current calendar and replaces it with his own. Specifically, this new Revolutionary calender does not include a Sunday, so therefore in his mind people will not know which day is the day of worship, thus his attempt at fading out Chrisitanity. -
Louis XVI is brought to trial
Louis, after his escape attempt was brought to trial with 33 charges against his country, among others: 33 Charges -
Louis XVI is executed by the Guillotine
"As he was strapped down, he exclaimed "My people, I die innocent!" Then, turning towards his executioners, Louis XVI declared "Gentlemen, I am innocent of everything of which I am accused. I hope that my blood may cement the good fortune of theFrench." The blade fell. It was 10:22 am. One of the assistants of Sanson showed the head of Louis XVI to the people, whereupon a huge cry of "Vive la Nation! Vive la République!"" - Account by Charles Henri Sanson, 1794 -
Jean-Paul Marrat is assasinated
Jean-Paul Marrat, a popular propagander of the revolutionary newspaper, L'Ami du peuple or "The Friend of the People", is murdered in his bathtub by Charlotte Corday who does so for the good of her country. She believes he is spreading hate, and after the September Massacres, she feels it is the right thing. Marat is then idolized by Robespierre as a sort of martyr for the Revolution. The painting of him makes him appearsimilar to that of Jesus Christ's crucifixtion. -
Creation of the Levee En Masse Conscription Order
In an effort to supply their armies, Robespierre created an order of Mass Conscription to fill the spots on the frontline. Although largely unpopular among the people, it does manage to get the job done to a degree. -
Period: to
The Reign of Terror
As the French Revolution shifted into full gear, Robespierre installed his Great Terror among the people of France, which included accusations and on the spot executions for little more than a rumour directed against you. This horror spread across France. -
Constitution is put on hold
Robespierre hypocritcally suspends The Declaration of the Rights of Man so that he can carry out the great terror. -
Marie Antoinette is executed
Following her husband, Marie is seperated from her child and brought to the guillotine. -
The anti-clerical law is passed
Claiming that anyone supporting the anti revolutionary movement can be put to death on sight. -
The Cult of the Supreme Being established
Robespierre essentially goes nuts, and creates a new 'religion', that of which he intends to be the official and only revolution of his new reformed France, part of his career to eradicate Catholicism. -
Robespierre is arrested and executed
Finally, Robespierre oversteps his boundaries and is taken down by his contemporaries. He is put on trial for what he has done to his country and executed, ironically, under the same law that he himself put inplace. -
Constitution is ratified
The Constitution is brought back after being suspended. -
The National Convention is Dissolved
Executive Directory takes power
Period: to
Reign of Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Crowns Himself Emperor of France
Kicking Austrian ass since 1769