Marriage of Marie and Louis
Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI married in the chapel of Versailles at ages 14 and 15, respectively. This even created much chaos with a king who didn't know what he was doing and a careless queen.
by Consuelo Higton -
The birth of the National Assembly
The people in the third estate came together and swore to make a change in their government. Maximilian Robespierre took the lead.
by Diego Garcia -
The Tennis Court Oath
The tennis Court Oath was done by the National assembly, or third estate. When the Third Estate went to the meeting of the Estates General they found out they had been locked out so they formed their own group in a Tennis court and made an oath (the tennis court oath) to not separate but to be called the National Assembly and wanted for a Constitution.
by Omar Elias -
Jacques Necker was fired
Jacques Necker was fired as a statesman and provoked the storming of the Bastille in response. Jacques Necker was beloved by the French People for his actions in making the Third Estate have more power and influence over the government decisions.
by Consuelo Higton -
Tearing down of the Bastille
The tearing down of the Bastille was a crowd of people who needed gun powder and knew where it was; In the Bastille. Therefore, they brought it down and killed many French soldiers and many prisoners. The cause of this was because Jacques Necker was fired as a statesman.
by Gabi Pizano -
The Declaration of Rights of Man
The Declaration of Rights of Man was inspired by the Declaration of Independence and it protected all the natural rights of man. The King was forced to sign it because he was under pressure and did not know what to do. This limited the rights on the King but he could still veto laws.
by Gabi Pizano -
Execution of King Louis 16
This event ended the Monarchy and was the start of a new republic, yet the crisis continued. The people decided he was a selfish, non-caring ruler.
by Diego Garcia -
Death of Jean Paul Marat
Charlotte Corday assassinated him because she believed he was the cause of so many heads being chopped off and so many people were being brutally killed. Since he invented the Razor, she believed it was his fault. She stabbed him on the chest in his bathtub.
by Gabi Pizano -
The Death of Robespierre
A woman attempted to assassinate him and with that suspicion he passed a law to let him kill others. Robespierre was sentenced to death due to people seeing that his killings were unreasonable because he just killed everyone that he suspected was against his thoughts.
by Omar Elias