Louis XVI Calls The Estates-General
At the end of 1788 the French torterred on the verge of bankruptcy. France’s king Louis XVI decided to meet with all three of the estates generals to discuss ways to help France not be in debt. The 3rd estates always get outvoted by the first and second estates because they didn’t like the third estates’ idea. The third estates got tired of it, so they said that they represented the people of France, since then they were known as the National Assembly. First and Second estates and the National A -
Parisians Storm the Bastille
In July 14, 1789 the Parisians were afraid of the troops taking over their capital. So, they thought that they should go to Bastille to get some weapons and gunpowder. When the Parisians arrived at Bastille they asked the guards to let them in the building so they can look for weapons. The guards wouldn’t let them in and they opened fire on the crowds. Even though many Parisians were dead, that didn’t stop them from entering the building. The Parisians killed many of the guards in order to get i -
National Assembly Acts
- In last August, as a first step toward writing a constitution, the assembly issued the the declaration of the rights of man and the rights of man and the citizen. the declaration further proclaimed that all male citizen's were equal before the law. Many woman were disappointed that the declaration of the rights of man did not grant equal citizenship to them.
On October 5, about six thousand woman marched 13 miles in the pouring rain from Paris to Versailles's -
Deficit spending by the government and economic Reform
The first estate was made of the clergy; the second was made up of the nobility; and the third estate comprised that a vast majority of the population.The first and second estate paid almost no taxes.
tone cause of the economic troubles was mushrooming financial crisis that was due in parts to years of the deficit spending. it occurs when a government spends more money then it takes in. by 1789, half of the government’s income from taxes went to paying the interest on this enormous debt. -
Third Stage of The Revolution
n 1789 France wanted to make everything fair for all the citizens. They brought back people who fled the country during the revolution. France tried making peace with other countries, so they can help them create a better and stonger constitution. They tried everything but it didn’t work, instead of making things better it got worse. So, they turned to Napoleon Bonaparte for help. Instead of helping them Napoleon Bonaparte outwit them all and became ruler of France. -
Threats From Abroad
n august 1791 the king of Prussia and emperor of Austria threatned to intervene with the French Revolution. They thought that if France got rid of their monarchs that the same thing would happen to their country too. They decided to go to France and help the king regained control of France. When the French heard that threat they took it really seriously and they prepared for war. The revolution was about to enter a new, more radical phase of change and conflict. -
Civil War
In October 1791-1815 the French wanted to get rid of their monarchs for good. A group name Sans-Culottes meaning without breeches pushed the revolution into more radical actions. in 1791 they wanted their country to be ruled by elected representatives instead of monarchs.The sans-culottes found a lot of support the legislatures and the Jacobins. the Jacobins helped them by using pamphleteers and sympathetic newspaper editors to advance the republicans cause. -
Monarchy is Abolished
n 1973 the National Assembly wanted France to have a new government that wasn’t ruled by monarchs. So the French started a revolution. In 1793 a crowd of Parisians stormed the royal palace of the tuileries and slaugther the king’s guards. A month later, citizens attacked a prison that held nobles and priests accused of political offenses. About 1,200 prisoners were killed. Later deputies then drew up a new constitution for France. The Jacobins erased all traces of the old constitution. King Loui -
Robespierre and The Reign of Terror
In 1793 in the vendee region of France, royalists and priests led peasants in rebellion against the government. The convention created the committee of public safety. It was a 12 member committee battling to save the revolution. The committee was also in charge of trials and executions. France was battling other countries, to defend their republic. The French Army over ran the Netherlands, later they invaded Italy. At home the government battled counterrevolutions with the of Maximilian Robespie -
Spread of Nationalism
After the was the french people gain strong sense national pride and devotion to their country. The french people celebrated by going to festivals an enjoying dances and songs.