Natinoal Assembly decrees abolition of fuedalism
The National assembly tired of the higher powers piut an end to it. They took away the freedoms of the two upper estates. The noble class lost all higher powers wwhile the clergy only lost their speacail ones. -
Estates General
May 5, 1789
In need of dire help the King Loui calls upon the Estates Generals( Church, Nobility, Third estate) to help their nations problem. -
June 20,1789 Tennis Court Oath
The oath was created by the National Assembly. Being mocked for their views they decidedon a tennis court that they would not disband in till their views for a new Constution were realized. -
July 14, 1789 Storming of the Bastille
Medivial Fotress that changed into a prison over time. At 3:30 p.m. Parisians raided and attacked French soliders for weapons to fight for their rights. -
October 5,1789 Womans March for Bread on Versailles
While reforming for many ideas during the Enlgihtment, woman decided to help. Woman alogng the way decided that they should fight for their equal rights. The march in the image shows the major beginning for their fight for equal rights. -
June 19,1789 Abolition of nobility and titles
This decree followe dup on the Decleration of the rights of man and the Citzen. It basically stated that all upper powers and speacail powers were tooken away and that only equality coould run in the lifes of France. -
August 26, 1789 National Aseembly decrees Decleration of the Rights of Man and the Citzen
The National Aasembly beliefs combined to form the Decleration of the Rights of Man and the Citzen. The beliefs stated that the problems were created from the inequalities between the estates and that everyone should. This is what the ational Assembly fought for. -
May 15,1791 Black Citzens of French colonies granted eequal rights
The soceity of friends of the Blacks were abolitionists who decided that slaves needed to have rights. The ideas obviously share the views of the Decleration of the Rights of Man. -
October 1, 1791 The Beginning of the Legislative Assembly
It basically was another constution and relaced the old one. Unlike the other one it made no changes and instead led them to war. In the end it destroyed monarchy and helped bring out the seperaptions of power in the government. -
August 10,1792 Jacobin masses storm the Tuileries Palace, massacringthe Swiss Guard, and the King imprisoned
The parsians didnt like that the King let himself be pushed arounf by the other estates and instead made fun of him. They decided that change was needed and went to him personally to tell him that. Killing the Swiss guards they sorround and capture the king basically ending his rule. -
April 6, 1793
Food hortages and the war got out of hand. With the king gone their was no real power to control anyone. The Coomitee of publlic Safety was created in order to change those things for the better. It was said that their main method to get things done was the use of terror. -
January 21, 1792 Execution of King Louis XVI
Because of his wrong doings and faults the National Convention decided to exucute him. Even though exucutions-even if treason- were against their belifs they believed that he needed to die in order for France to improve and get better from their problems.In a way they blamed the King for whyFrance was the way it was today.