French rev.

French revolution

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    The meeting of the estates General was a meeting held at the palace of versilles because of a political chrisis. The third estate was 97 percent of the population, so they where told they could be represented by two votes in order to write a constitution for france. Insetead, they decided that each estate would be represented by one vote. The third estate wasnt happy about this, which led to the creation of the national assembly.
  • Creation of the National Assembly

    Creation of the National Assembly
    The creation of the national assembly started to frame the constitution by restricting the powers of the king. It ended feudalism between the first and second estates. It also approved the Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen. The most important thing was the tennis court oath, which was when representitives from the third estate locked themselves in a tennis court and wouldnt leave untill the constituion was writen on solid grounds.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The bastille was an anchient prison where prisoners who didnt agree with the monarchy where held. 800 men of the third estate destroyed it andfreed the prisoners inside. They also killed the commander and stuck his head on a long stick while parading it through the streets. This was a symbol of what they where going to do the king, and a warning of the start of a revolution.
  • Declaration of the rights of man and of citizen

    Declaration of the rights of man and of citizen
    A document of 17 laws in total that laid out the basic principals of the french revolution. Insperation of the document was from the bill of rights, and it guarenteed freedom of speech, freedom of tpress, and freedom of religion. One of the most important laws included "Liberty, equality, fraternity, [brotherhood]" It stated that all men where born equal and will remain equal before the law, but it did not extend to women.
  • Creation of the National convention

    Creation of the National convention
    The creation of the national convention elected to provide a new constitution for the country after the overthrow of monarchy. It also abolished slavery in french colonies. A draft was instituted to increase the size of the army's power. They wrote a new constitution and created the directory. After, it ended monarchy and proclaimed france a republic.
  • Execution of the king

    Execution of the king
    King louis XVI was accused of high treason and crimes against a state, and was placed on trial. Most of france was eager to execute the king to prevent the return of monarchy and to defend the revolution from its enemies. The king was pushed into a guillotine and was executed. This was important because it ment that monarchy was finially abolished in france.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The reign of terror was a period of time in france where they where trying to remove people that didnt want the revolution , and trying to protect the country from foreign invaders. 16,000 people where guillotined but they called the victims "internal enemies". france was governed for these nine months by the comitee of public safety. It ended at the fall of robespirre.
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
    Napoleon led this impotrant piece of revolution, where he overthrew the directory, which overthrew the comitte of public of safety.. People that where inside of the government where also involved, because they wanted to overthrow the government and abolish monarchy.