French Revolution

  • The Estates-General meet

    The Estates-General meet
    The Estates-General met at Versailles. They were soon divided over a fundemental issue.
  • Sieze the Bastille

    Sieze the Bastille
    The Parisians sieze the Bastille. This was a symblo of royal tyranny.
  • The flee of Louis XVI

    The flee of Louis XVI
    King Louis XVI was the prisoner of aristrocatic advisers. He tried to flee but was caught and brought back to France
  • War

    France delcares war on Austria. But in the first part of the war France loses many times,
  • Execution

    King XVI was exectued. He was exectued because of the condemtion of death for treason. 9 months later the Queen was guillotined.
  • Montagnards

    The Montagnards seize and take power. They kept power until 9 Thermidor, year II.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Royalist attemepted to take control of paris. Napoleon Bonaparte crushed them in the act.
  • Disputes

    The war made antagonisms between the Directory and the Legislative councils. It was settled by coups d’état
  • Battle of the Nile

    Battle of the Nile
    Bonaparte was occupiying Egypt and Malta by an expedition. Although, Horatio Nelson’s fleet destroyed the squadron that convoyed it.
  • First Consul

    First Consul
    Napolean shows his military coup d'etat. He becomes the first First Consul of The Consulate.