French Revolution

  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    This is technically the start of the French Revolution. A mob decided to revolt against the king by stealing rifles, but they didnt have powder, so they stormed Bastille to get powder. The guards killed hundreds, so when reenforcments came, they decided to help the mob.
  • september massacre

    september massacre
    The september massacre was a time period wher, for six days, people in jails were brutally murdered. This was because people believed that the people in jail would join an oncoming rumor that said that there would be an invasion of another country.
  • Battle of Valmy

    Battle of Valmy
    The battle of Valmy was a war fought between France and the Austrians. Because the French won, it was a turning point in the French Revolution that saved the French from early destruction.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The reign of terror was a time where people were forced to chaange their calenders. Also, people were forced, by the thousands, to die because they were suspected of being enemies of the revolution.
  • The Treaty of Campo Formio

    The Treaty of Campo Formio
    After five years of war, France and Austria decided to make peace. Then, after five months of peace negotiations, the treaty of Campo Formia was signed to make a peace.
  • execution of Louis XVI

    execution of Louis XVI
    Louis the XVI (16th), was executed for treason among other nations. Due to this, he was put on trial and was sentenced to death by guillotine.
  • The rise of Napoleon

    The rise of Napoleon
    Napoleon was a new leader that was a military genious. He oppressed ethnic groups and eliminated women's rights that were gained in the early revolution.
  • Napolean becomes consul of "First Consulate"

    Napolean becomes consul of "First Consulate"
    Due to the crisis and troubles with an old constitution, napoleon was elected because he was the only undefeated general in France. After this, the crisis actually calmed down.
  • The Napolionic Code

    The Napolionic Code
    The Napolionic Code was a new and most modern document stating people's rights. It was this code that strongly influenced other countries to make similar documents.
  • The first republic ends

    The first republic ends
    Shortly after Napoleon had entered office, the first republic ended. This made the start of a new France for the future to come.
  • Exposition

    Edmond Dantes is first introduced. He is shown as a strong, young, healthy, tall, and happy man that is willing to work and deep in love with his fiance, Mercedes.