French revol

french revolution

  • cause 4

    cause 4
    people began to push the french to revolt. the king began to break social contract
  • cause 3

    cause 3
    they had bad harvest, prior to the revolution french had served many droughts
  • cause 5

    cause 5
    fance started to go bankrupt when they spent alot of money on weapons trying to defeat england
  • cause 2

    cause 2
    bad ledership the queen started spending all their money on parties
    info: notes
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    a grouped of fored crafsman & salmes decided to fight back & ran to the individuales to steal weapons
    info: notees
  • bread march

    bread march
    began rioting the high price & scaracity of bread.
    info: notes
  • 2nd estate

    2nd estate
    the sencond esate consisted of nothing but nobility 1 to 2 percent onwed 30 percent of land
  • tennis court oath

    tennis court oath
    the third estates gatherd in a tennis court as a conference room because the got locked out of a meeting of the estate general
  • results of the french revolution

    results of the french revolution
    it changed france because the political power of the middle class increased the national assembly reformend laws
    info; wikapeadia
  • royal escape

    royal escape
    louis xvi, his wife & thier imitade family attemted unsuccessfuly to escape from pairs in order to intiate a conter revolution
    onfi: wikapedia
  • death of king louiethe xvi

    he was executed of treason, he tried to free his country to austrailia, trying to regan power. then was put to death
  • declaration if rights to man

    declaration if rights to man
    a document to define the individual & collective right of all the estates
    info: notes
  • cause 1

    cause 1
    the french society was divided into 3 estates the first 2 consisted of clergy & nobilty the 3 estate consisted of merchats & peasants
    info: notes
  • rightn if terror

    rightn if terror
    french army as losing & the austrailian/purrsain army got within 30 or so of paris
  • national assembly

    national assembly
    legislative or lower house gatherd at the tennis court
    info: notes