Meeting of Estates-General
For the first time in over one hundred years King Louis XVI calls together the three estates in light of the crisis at hand. He hopes to raise taxes on the common people. -
Creation of the National Assembly
When the third estate find themselves locked out of the Estates-General meeting they gather in the tennis court and vow to continue meeting until they have a new constitution. -
Period: to
Moderate Phase of the Revolution
The moderate phase of the revolution was lead by people who wanted change in the government but did not want to completely destroy the monarchy. The revolution was not as violent as it was during the radical stage, however, there were many large reforms to the country. -
Fall of the Bastille
Finding many troops beginning to accumulate around Paris, members of the third estate steel guns from in the city, however, without the presence of gunpowder the weapons are useless. They then storm the Bastille, a government prison, to get gunpowder. At the time the Bastille was seen as a sign of government tyranny. The people show their power when they overtake the guards of the Bastille and destroy the prison brick by brick. -
Period: to
The Great Fear
Struck with poverty and the remnants of a bad harvest, the general public of France went into a state of rebellion. Furthermore, these rebellions lead a widespread terror to cause the Great Fear among citizens. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man is written
The Declaration of the Rights of man is composed by the National Assembly as a way to give rights back to the people of France. It uses many ideas of the enlightenment and is based around the ideas of many philosophers. -
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
This document severely limited the powers that the Catholic church held in French society. Clergy memebers were now elected by the citizens and the wages were paid for by the state. -
King Louis Attempts to Escape
King Louis and Queen Antoinette attempt to escape France into Austria. Just before they reach the border King Louis is recognized and brought back to Paris. This is when the French people start to look at the king as un-loyal and dangerous to the revolution. -
Legislative Assembly is Created
The legeslative assembly is created to make laws for France. The assembly consists of 745 representatives who were chosed indirectly through an election. -
France Declares War on Austria
Austria sees the new radical phase of the revolution a threat. The people of France see this as an insult and declare a war on Austria. -
Abolition of the Monarchy
Following King Louis' attempted escape, the revolution became radical. The French people no longer trusted the monarchy and therefore did away with it. In its place, a republic was created. -
Period: to
Radical Phase of the Revolution
After the monarchy is officially destroyed, France entered a more radical stage of the revolution. France was becoming a completely new country with a new government and new leaders. -
Execution of King Louis
Following the attempted escape by the king the revolution entered into a more radical stage. Once the monarchy was destroyed the French people saw it necessary to execute the king. -
Period: to
The Committee of Public Safety Takes Control
Formed to protect the country from both foreign and domestic enemies to the revolution, the Committe of Public Safety took control of France. The committee was lead by Robespierre and twelve collegues of his. -
Period: to
The Reign of Terror
The Committee of Public Safety begins executing individuals who were seen as enemies of the revolution. Thousands of innocent people were beheaded by the guillotine as the government sought to eliminate dissent inside the country. -
Execution of Robespierre
Robespierre increasingly radical ideas soon lead to his downfall. He was executed publicly by means of guillotine. -
Creation of the Directory
Following the reign of terror and the execution of Robespierre, the revolution once again returned to a more moderate state. This new country was lead by a group of directors who made up the Directory. -
Constitution of 1795
With the Directory came a new constitution. It was adopted with the directory and lead to reforms of the country and the government that ruled it.