Jan 1, 1294
Boniface VIII becomes pope
Boniface reigned as pope -
Period: Jan 1, 1294 to Sep 1, 1303
King vs. Pope
Boniface VIII who was a pope thought that he was better that the French king named Philip IV. Philip held him prisoner but then someone rescuded Boniface but he dies right after that. -
Jan 1, 1300
Pope Boniface VIII
Boniface VIII tried to enforce papel authority on kings. eh thought that he could because previous popes have done it. -
Sep 1, 1303
king over rules the pope
king Philip didnt like that the pope tried to rule him so he had him held prisoner until someone rescued Boniface. he died shortly after but never again will the pope be better than the king. -
Oct 1, 1303
Boniface VIII dies
Pope Boniface died