Dec 8, 1276
Boniface Entered Roman Curia
Dec 8, 1276
Philip took the throne
Dec 8, 1281
Boniface becomes Cardinal-Decan
Period: Dec 8, 1294 to Oct 8, 1303
Bpniface VII Reigns as pope
Jan 23, 1295
Boniface Crowned as Pope
Feb 26, 1296
Boniface issued Clericis Laicos to Stop the Tax Clergy
Dec 8, 1298
Philip Accepted a Treaty With Boniface
Dec 11, 1300
Boniface Vs. Philip IV (click for more info)
The pope came to enforse the papal authority that said that kings must always obey popes and Philip IV didnt take him seriously, leading to Boniface VIII being taken captive in 1303 -
Oct 12, 1303
Boniface's death
Dec 11, 1303
Philip IV Took Boniface As Prisoner (click for more info)
The pope was eventyally rescued after the king planned to take him to France for trial but the pope died a month after he was rescued.