French fries revolution

  • Estates General Called.

    Estates General Called.
    Louis XVI called for the Estates General, which has not been called for 150 years to reconcile the economic crisis within france. The Estates-general consist The Clergy, nobility, and the minorities. This shows Louis XVI lacks the leadership skill towards it people.
  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
    The National Assembly existed between june to july. It was a revolutionary assembly created by the third estate and some other part of estate of the estates-general.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The third estate signed contract to overthrow the king, which then moved them towards the constitutional monarchy. It was Huge event in the french revolution. This event would turn their system into a democratic country.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    This event- the third estates raided the french prison, in hopes to gain weaponry and release the prisoners. After they were done the raid. They only found a couple of guns and prisoner. This shows a collective consciousness, because it made people gathered up to take the revolutionary to another level.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Constitutional Monarchy
    On september 3, the national constitution Monarchy which was force to be accept from Louis XVI. This establishment gave powers toward the estates. After this was implemented majority of the monarchy was lost. This establishment changed the roles of the system in the old regime.
  • national convention

    national convention
    This particular event overthrown the constitutional monarchy, and created a new convention. This new constitution has no monarchy, it was also the first french assembly elected by people without distinction of class(clergy, nobility, etc)
  • The death of King louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

    The death of King louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
    King louis XVI was subject to death. He was later executed by a guillotine in january 21. After the following Maria Antoinette would also be executed nine months later, by a guillotine.
  • The Reign of terror

    The Reign of terror
    This particular was the most violence out of all the era. The death toll skyrocketed up to ten of thousand. Using guillotine and other method everyone. One action could lead you to death.
  • the closure of the terror

    the closure of the terror
    The terror ended in july when Robespierre was removed from power and executed.