Meeting of Estates General
This meeting was at the beginning of the French Revolution, and the purpose was to discuss about the financial crisis, agitation, and the powers of the king. From this event, the National Assembly was founded due to the fear of being overruled, and the National Assembly later led to the French Revolution.
Britannica.com -
Storming of the Bastille
Revolutionaries captured the Bastille by using violence and weapons to kill the solders, and take control of Paris. It symbolized the end of monarchy in France, and the beginning of a constitutional monarchy. This also led for the commoners to realize the power they have.
History.com -
Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
A document that incorporated ideas from philosophers to create articles that contained charters of human liberty and equality of a French Citizen. The Declaration inspired the French Revolution, Haitian Revolution, and the many constitutions after this.
Britannica.com -
March on Versailles
A crowd of women marched towards Versailles to demand for bread, and in the chaos, the queen had almost died. This event led the king to flee Versailles and go to Paris, and it also showed people the power women had.
Historywiz.com -
Gens De Couleur demanded equal rights from France
The Gens De Couleur demanded for free-colored equality after 1789--the same rights and equality as a French citizen.This decision affected the slave owners because they didn't want to be equal to slaves and it went against their hierarchy. It also led to abolishing slavery (No specific day or month was mentioned).
Umich.edu -
The French National Assembly granted free blacks full French rights in Saint-Domingue
In hopes that the slaves and slave owners would assist the French army in suppressing the slave revolt, free men of color were to be treated as equal citizen. White slave owners saw this as an opportunity to gain political independence from France which led to a Civil War in Saint-Dominique.
Knowla.org -
Beheading of King Louis XIV
The king is convicted of planning with foreign powers and therefore is sentenced to be guillotined by the National Assembly. This event led to an end of monarchy in France and symbolized what the people could do to the king or queen for everyone in Europe.
History.com -
Reign of Terror
A period during the French Revolution where any person was killed that opposed the revolution. The most prominent member was Robespierre. Many people were executed or arrested and it led the French to realize their mistakes and improve their government.
Britannica.com -
French forces admit defeat to the slave armies and evacuate their forces
After losing to the revolutionaries, Napoleon admitted defeat to the Haitian revolution and accepted the Haitian independence. It led to Haiti's independence and the abolished slavery and Saint-Dominique (No specific day or month was mentioned in the source).
Classroom.monticello.org -
The colony "Saint-Domingue" is abolished
Jean-Jacques Des salines publishes the Declaration of Independence that abolished the colony. The original name of Haiti is restored, and it set an example for blacks/slaves by being the world's first black republic (No specific day or month was mentioned).
Classroom.monticello.org -
Napoleon is Emperor
Napoleon is crowned emperor in Notre Dam after his battles in the French Revolution. Napoleon established the Napoleonic code, and the French empire that covered most of Europe. He was later exiled to Saint Helena.