Meeting of the Estates General
This was a meeting in France of the pre revolutionary monarchy the representative assembly of the three estates which represented the majority of people. The lowest estate former the National Assembly because they feared that the privileged classes would join together with the underclass people. The impacted history because it was the start to the French Revolution. -
Storming of Bastille
The Storming of Bastille was a prison on the east side of Paris known as Bastille. A mob of prosioners attacked the prison on July 14,1789 on the east side of Paris. This impacted history because it started the French Revolution. A monarchy was overthrown during this time and a republic was set up. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens
This was the document that the National Assembly created. This document stated individual rights for men and citizens such as freedom of speech. With new laws this was the start to new rights.This impacted history because it showed the rights citizens have. -
March of Versailles
Families were marching towards Versailles demanding for bread for their families. They also wanted to persecute the king. The families wanted to petition all of the kings soilders, and wanted the king to leave. This impacted history because families were unable to support their families under the kings rule. -
The Colony "Saint Domingue" is abolished
Africans were enslaved to produce the worlds sugar and half of its coffee. Africans attacked the plantation buildings in Saint Domingue. This impacted history because the national convention voted to be abolish slavery in the French Republic. -
The French National Assembly Granted free blacks full rights saint domingue
The blacks were demanding for the same rights as white men. Because the whites disagreed to give them the rights then blacks revolted against the whites. This created a forced labor system. -
Beheading of King Louis the XIV
King Lou's didn't give the phasents what they wanted. So they beheaded him so they could be treated Right. This impacted history because France did not have a king and Queen to rule over them. -
Reign of Terror
This was a time where people who didn't follow the rules during the revolution got very harsh punishments. Over 40,000 people were killed and there government wasn't stable. This impacted history because several people were being executed. -
Gens De Colour demand equal rights from France
Gens De Colour demands equal rights from France. Freemen of Colour demands equal rights in Sante Domingue. This impacted history because equal rights for people of color was established. There were rights for all nationalities and skin colors. -
French Forces admit defeat to the Slave armies and evacuate their forces
The French admit to the slaves and evacuate. General Rochambeau surrendered for what he did and all sources were fixed within 10 days. Slaves received freedom by rebelling form their owners. -
Napoleon is Emperor
Napoleon conquered much of Europe. After seizing political power in France he crowned himself Emperor. This impacted history because war against different European nations and expanded his empire.