
  • Henry IV

    Henry IV
  • Period: to

    Henry IV's reign

    He died because he was assassinated.
    1. War of Religion
    2. St. Bartholomews Day Massacre
    3. Decleration of St. Cloud
    4. Treaty of Vervins
    My grade for Henry IV has to be a C-, during his reign of king he started some awful conflicts. Also becasue he was assassinated this means he was not the most liked person.
  • Louis XIII

    Louis XIII
  • Period: to

    Louis XIII of France

    1. 30 year war
    2. Siege of La Rochelle
    3. Day of Dupes
    4. Punishing Nobles I would give Louis XIII a C, two of the events were positive but the 30 year war and punishing nobles lowers his grade.
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV

    1. La Fronde
    2. Dixieme
    3. Dutch War
    4. Treaties of Nijmegen I would give Louis XIV a B+ because he had a lot of positive aspects in his and only 1 set back, the Dutch War.
  • Louis XV

    Louis XV
  • Period: to

    Louis XV of France

    1. Piece of Aix-la-Chapelle
    2. Diplomatic Revolution of 1756 3.Treaty of Paris1763
    3. Seven Years' War Louis XV Died of smallpax. My grade for Louis XV would be an A- because the Treaty of Paris and the Diplomatic Revolution were huge and very positive. The only negative would be the Seven Year War.
  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI
  • Period: to

    Louis XVI of France

    1. Treaty of Utrecht
    2. War of Spanish Succession
    3. Edict of Nantes
    4. Built Palace of Versailles Louis XVI wasa executed I am giving Louis XVI a B+ because his works were very successful and positive except the War of Spanish Succession.