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Freedom Movement

  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy V. Ferguson
    Seperate Car Act Violated Seperate but equal in Ferguson's favor.
  • State of Missoouri ex rel Gaines V. Canada

    State of Missoouri ex rel Gaines V. Canada
    Equal Protection because of the 14th Ammendment, did missouri violate this amendment. Court Ruled that if there is only one school students of all races should be eligible for admission.
  • Smith V. Allwright

    Smith V. Allwright
    Smith argued that the state denied his right to vote by giving the democratic party some power. Court Agreed and and found that the state had allowed the practice of discrimination.
  • Sipuel V. Board of Regents

    Sipuel V. Board of Regents
    Sipuel was denied entrance into the University of OK becuase of her race. The State provided her with entrance under the 14th amendment.
  • Shelley V. Kramer

    Shelley V. Kramer
    Courts are not allowed to enforce racial covenants on real estate. The court ruled that Kramer was wrong under the 13th amendment.
  • Sweatt V. Painter

    Sweatt V. Painter
    Texas was in violation of the equal rights clause by not allowing access to the school of law because of race. The violation was confirmed.
  • Briggs V. Elliott

    Briggs V. Elliott
    Segragation in public schools.
    the school must provide transportation.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    State Law providing seperate schools for blacks and whites. Decision was overturned.
  • Brown 2

    Brown 2
    Brown declared racial discrimination in public education unconstitional.
    9 votes for Brown, 0 against.
  • Gayle V. Browder

    Gayle V. Browder
    Segregation on Alabama busses was unconstitional.
    In Gayle's favor, "the enforced segragation violates the 14th amendment."
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Civil Rights Act of 1957
    Established civil rights division in the justice department. Also gave blacks the right to vote.
  • Executive Order 11063

    Executive Order 11063
    Equal Housing opportunity. No discrimination on federally runned, and operated facilities.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Completely outlawed discrimination based on color, race, or religion.
  • Voting Rights of 1965

    Voting Rights of 1965
    Prohibits discrimination when voting.