
Fredrick Panzer

  • birth

    today is the day that i move from my small town in germany to the greatt America. Life here is not good people stealing everywhere. There is no job oppertunitys. The town is boring and i want to go make money in america so i can start a family over there. I hope to gain money and a job and im writing this so i never forget where i come from
  • bording the boat/germany

    bording the boat/germany
    I remember boarding the boat it was cold and just pulled into the harbor. As everybody got on i was second guessing myself but i boarded and waved goodbye to my family.The decks were crowded with people and it was hard for me to find my small room at he back of the ship. The thing that was the most annoying was the constant rocking of the ship and always getting sea sick. I didnt have many warm meals while i was on the boat. Everytime i went up to the deck the were people hanging off the sides.
  • entering ellis island/new york

    entering ellis island/new york
    We pulled into the docks at ellis island and cheering and clapping just errupted from all around the boat as people were ready to get off and start their new life in america. As soon as they said we could go to the gates for are physical there was a mad rush to the gates. Everybody got a physical but not everyone passed luckily i did and i made my way into america
  • living in the slums/new york city

    living in the slums/new york city
    I live in a very small home that is over crowded with people i dont know. It stinks and there is no running water or bathrooms. People are constently stealing and comiting other crimes. I am scared to go out in the streets at night and if i do i carry nothing valueable. Im ready to leave them slums as soon as possible
  • building a skyscraper/new york city

    building a skyscraper/new york city
    today is the day that we finish the skycraper that we were working on for the past two years. It was hard hauling all the steal beams up and putting them in place. It was also very dangerous work. One of my friends fell after a gust of wind came and knocked him off the skycraper and he fell 25 stories to his death. another man was crushed by a steel beam that fell on him.
  • Owning my million dollar skyscraper company

    Owning my million dollar skyscraper company
    I am running a million dollor skyscraper company that is in new york city. I have inished a total of 10 skycrapers in the past year. I employ a total of 548 people and 30 have died this year. The tallest skyscraper I built was a total of 30 stories.