Battle of fredericksburg

Fredericksburg Battle

  • Period: to

    Events leading up to the battle

  • Burnside's Army

    Burnside's Army
    Burnside, now in command of the Army of the Potomac, sent a corps to occupy the vicinity of Falmouth near Fredericksburg. Soon rest of the army is there as well.
  • Waiting for Pontoons

    Waiting for Pontoons
    The army is waiting for threes pontoons to arrive which will help them cross the Rappahannock River. So far only two are currently there. Also more Confederates have arrived in Fredericksburg.
  • Jackson's Corps

    Jackson's Corps
    Jackson's Corps arrives in Fredericksburg area
  • Attempting to cross the Rappahannock River

    Attempting to cross the Rappahannock River
    The Union begin building three pontoon bridges. Confederates on the bank delay the crossing. Union bombardment damages the city. Some row across and form a beachhead.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Fredericksburg

  • Crossing of the river

    Crossing of the river
    Army crosses the river with the pontoons and the soldiers attack the city. Burnside decides to make another attack the next day.
  • The Main Attack

    The Main Attack
    The main attack at Prospect Hill breaks through a gap in the Confederate line, but Southern reinforcements drive the Union back after a competitive fight.
  • Battle Continues

    Battle Continues
    Minor fighting along the front line. A day of tremendous suffering due to the large amount of soldiers dieing.
  • The End

    The End
    More fighting and suffering continue. When it becomes darkthe Union army retreats across the river, therefore resulting in a loss.
  • Confederates take back Fredericksburg

    Confederates take back Fredericksburg
    Union soldiers go back into camp while Confederates reclaim the city and begin the cleanup of it.