Frederick the great   title picture

Frederick the Great of Prussia

  • Frederick is born

    Frederick is born
    Frederick is born to Sophia Doreatha of Hanover and Frederick William I of Prussia in The Kingdom of Prussia.
  • Escape Attempt

    Escape Attempt
    Frederick tried to ecape Prussia with his friend but got caught. He was then put in jail and forced to watch his friend's beheading as a punishment.
  • Married

    He married Elizabeth Christine, who was the daughter of Duke Ferdinand Albert II of Brunswick-Bervern.
  • education (1736 - onward)

    Frederick educated himself in history, poetry, music, mathematics, science and philosophy in his house at Rheinsberg.
  • Invading Silesia

    Invading Silesia
    Within the first seven months of his rule, he invaded Silesia.
  • Period: to

    War of Austrian Succession

    After invading Selisia, he then took part in the Seven Years War.
  • Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle

    Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
    This treaty insured international recognition for his conquest.
  • Period: to

    Diplomatic Revolution

    Prussia allied with Great Britain, while Prussia's ally joined with their enemy, Austria.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    He invaded Saxony which started the Seven Years War. It ended with the Treaty of Hubertusburg in which Prussia kept Silesia.
  • Elementary Education

    Frederick wanted to produce obedient citezens and by doing so changed the education of children. This resulted in over production and towns filled with graduates that are unemployed or in small careers.
  • Partition of Poland

    Partition of Poland
    By taking part in the first Partition of Poland, with Russia and Austria. Piracy lead allowed them to gain West Prussia.
  • League of Princes (Fürstenbund)

    League of Princes (Fürstenbund)
    Frederick organized the League of Princes when the latter proclaimed his plan to add Bavaria for the Netherlands in alliance with Prussia, Hanover and Saxony.
  • Frederick's Death

    Frederick died in 1786 in Potsdam, Germany.