Frederick The Great

  • Frederick The Great is Born

    Frederick II is born in Berlin to his parents, Frederick William I of Prussia and Princess Sophia-Dorothea.
  • Frederick begins to study political administration.

    He is forced to study political administration in preparation for his future leadership.
  • Frederick marries Elizabeth Christine of Brunswick.

    The marriage is ultimately unsuccessful.
  • Frederick becomes the leader of Prussia.

    His father dies and he takes the throne as King of Prussia.
  • Frederick begins the Seven Years' War.

    Frederick invades Saxony, allied with Austria and Great Britain and begins the Seven Years' War.
  • The end of the Seven Years' War

    The Seven Years' War formally ends, leaving Prussia without any new territory.
  • Frederick participates in the First Partition of Poland.

    Frederick signs a treaty along with Russia and Austria that partitions Poland and removes 1/3 of its land area.
  • Frederick dies

    Frederick dies in Potsdam, leaving a legacy of ruling as an "enlightened despot."