Frederick fleet

Frederick Fleet

  • Birth

    Frederick Fleet was born in Liverpool on October 15, 1887. Sadly, his mother abandoned him and he never met his father.
  • Period: to

    Frederick Fleet

  • Frederick Fleet Begins Working on Ships

    Frederick Fleet begins working on a ship at age 12.
  • Frederick Fleet signs with the Titanic

    Frederick Fleet signs with the Titanic after working on the Oceanic. He was 20 years old.
  • Frederick Fleet Spots the Iceberg

    Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee spot the iceberg, ring the bell three times and telephone the bridge, unfortunately the ship turned to late.
  • Frederick Fleet boards a lifeboat

    Frederick Fleet is assigned to lifeboat 6 to help Quartermaster Robert Hichens with the evacuees, Reginald Lee was also on this lifeboat. Fleets lifeboat would eventually be saved by the Carpathia.
  • Fleet Works on the Olympic

    Fleet briefly works on the Titanic's sister ship, the Olympic. Soon after this he leaves the White Star Line and works for the Union-Castle line, which is a British shipping line.
  • Frederick Fleet Joins the Military

    Frederick Fleet serves in World War I
  • Frederick Fleet's Last Job

    Frederick Fleet's last job was a newspaper salesman after the second world war.
  • Frederick Fleet's Wife Passes away

    After Fleet's wife passes away, he goes into a depression which causes his suicide.
  • Death

    Sadly, Frederick Fleet took his own life two weeks after his wife passed away, he was found hanging in his garden.