Frederick Douglass is born
Frederick Douglass was born in the year 1817.No one knew he would make suck a big difference. -
A very sad death
A very sad day comes Frederick's Mom dies. -
A Blacks dream
Sophia Auld teaches Frederick how to read untill the day Hugh Auld discovers that Frederick is learning how to read.After that day Frederick dreamed of escape. -
Blacks dream does not come true
Frederick plans his escape and then a few white men here them talking about escape and they are sent to jail. -
Meets Anna Murray
Meets the mental improvement society of east Baltimore and meets Anna Murray who later becomes his wife -
Blacks dream comes true
Finnaly escapes from slavery.And the dream comes true -
Daughter is born
Daughter Rosetta is born and Frederick subscribes to William Lyolld's newspaper the Abolition speaker. -
Son is born
Son Lewis Henry is born. -
A Tragic death
suddenly Abraham Lincoln Frederick Douglass's friend dies.After Lincolns death blacks were not granted the right to vote.Life never was later easy. -
A sad death
Frederick Douglass one of the most famous freedom fighters had now died