Imgres 7

Frederick Douglass

  • Birth

    He was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland.
  • Branching Hatred

    Branching Hatred
    Frederick became a servant to Hugh Auld. Aulds wife started to teach him to read but the lessons didn't last long. After that white playmates taught him to read. He read books of denouncing slavery made him hate slavery even more. The long term impact is he made his hatred for slavery deeper.I can make a connection to this because I knew I hated the Holocaust and how bad it was but, when I read a book about the Holocaust I hated it even more.
  • Start of a Career.

    Start of a Career.
    For more information visit:Frederick Douglass escaped slavery in 1838
    Then he was called to a abolitionist meeting on Nantucket in 1841. He impressed the abolitionist leader William Lloyd Garrison so much that he was invited to become agent for the MA Anti Slavery Society. The long term impact is Frederick escaped and soon was called to this meeting where he finally figured out what he wanted to do to help: be a agent for the MA Anti-Slavery Society. I remember going to a confirmation party not knowing I would join.
  • Opposing Abolitionists

    Opposing Abolitionists
    Douglass took political action to abolish slavery. Unlike Garrison who used moral persuasion. Douglass also disliked that Garrison thought only whites could lead the antislaery movement. In 1853 they were two separate abolitionists. The log term inpact was he had become a strong and independent abolitionist. I have seen a lot of people say they are going to do something but they take a long time and the opposing person actually did it.
  • Underground Railroad apx. date

    Underground Railroad apx. date
    For more information:He directed the city's branch of the underground railroad. He wanted to make sure that blacks wouldn't only be servants and laborers, he proposed to schools for them to be trained as craftsmen. The long term impact is he felt like he was contributing and brought slaves to Canada while teaching them they did not have to be laborers. Harriet Tubman also helped people escape through underground railroad and she did that for a long time.
  • Harpers ferry

    Harpers ferry
    After Harpers Ferry Douglass went to Europe. He was there for six months. When he came back to the U.S. he campaigned for abraham lincoln in 1860. During the civil war he also raised two black regiments of soldiers. The impact on that was He helped Lincoln become president and strengthened the Northern army. Usually someone spills something at our table and when do I flee to another table to not get in trouble.- Gavin
  • Death

    Frederick died in 1895.